- Support passkeys [macOS 14+] #3025 @hanche
- Apple Pay Support #442 @nearLy
- Safari web-extension install support #93 @Fortrikka
- Add "Delete iCloud app data" in "Reset Orion" #3566 @Techienaut
- Add Page Tweaks to the menu bar #8506 @adorabilis
- Add hotkey to suspend tabs. #5861 @i0mx9kk
- Control+Return in address bar to append ".com" and navigate #4602 @mb3
- AI Writing Tools from Apple Intelligence non-functional in Orion RC on macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta #8323 @Maxpl01t
Improvements and bug fixes
- Orion crashes when you try to move vertical tabs that are not in focus #8855 @Aldehyde
- Regression: Viewing a pdf document using pdf.js requires the tab to be reloaded before the pdf is displayed #8849 @laiz
- Pinned tab PiP causes an unnecessary warning when closing a browser window when another one is still open #8934 @laiz
- Change automatic picture-in-picture wording #8940 @IcyDingy
- Dragging vertical tabs causes crash #8843 @TheOtherKai
- Text in private browsing address bar flashes wrong color #8490 @adorabilis
- Toolbar completely transparent when viewing HTML file #8460 @OllieFallon10
- Shadow view is not repositioning when creating new tab in compact tabs
- Saving the window (making it a named window) looses all pinned tabs in that window (they should remain)
- Missing translation even if translated on Localazy #6883 @crnd99
- New tab page missing favourites #6917 @adrianclark
- Add an exception for popup blocker if opening accounts.google.com
- Link opens in existing popup rather than main window #5584 @tuesday
- Invalid custom search URL doesn't provide helpful feedback #346 @nhynes
- Deleting an element in website preferences menu concurs system sound. #630 @Fortrikka
- Downloads button appears in web apps for no reason #5778 @minte
- Opening URL bar sheet on iOS is distinctly choppy #5573 @chrisoffner3d
- Don't truncate window titles #1147 @eirk
- File download broken on Polyhaven.com #3171 @Samu
- Tab increased tolerance hover box does not have a limit upwards #643 @Fortrikka
- Context menu bookmarks sidebar void #891 @Fortrikka
- "Open in New Tabs" item should do nothing when bookmarks folder only contains folders/is empty #1400 @cactus
- "Open Page in Internet Archive" option doesn't work when View Source is enabled #851 @jamie
- Incorrect singular form of word #384 @eirk
- History window still moves when clicking on sidebar tab #878 @Fortrikka
- Download confirmation is a separate window instead of an overlay #768 @eirk
- Right click Open Link in New Tab vs Middle Click open multiple tabs in different order #1782 @Cheese
- Behaviour of opening a link in a new tab is inconsistent #1857 @Maff
- Vertical tabs with dark theme causes black address bar placeholder
- Can't command select and open multiple links in history simultaneously #2108 @Fortrikka
- Downloads fail silently if the default download location is deleted #1542 @dgebhard
- Using "Clear Background" button doesn't update text color start page
- Reader Mode settings do not work correctly #2563 @smurf
- Reader mode gets incorrectly turned on, when it isn't supported #852 @eirk
- GitHub favicon is wrong color #2441 @m-cat
- Favicon for start page #1746 @Fortrikka
- Add backgrounds to favicons to make them more visible #1724 @Triduelist
- Inconsistent favicons #7141 @artemvmin
- Google Docs and Google Sheets favicons show as Google Drive favicon #7224 @glossary
- Mouse hijacks selected tab in Tab Switcher when Tab Switcher scrolls #1172 @Cannabat
- Orion uses favicon across directories and ports of same domain #6009 @miguel-rn
- Reader mode does not activate for local files #5601 @adamaveray
- Standardise website settings toggle labels to reduce double-negatives #5214 @adamaveray
- Favicon is not display in right color #6108 @KarmicDude
- Favicon does not react to light/dark mode change #3034 @vladstudio
- Icons with text break compact tab view #8883 @esiayo
- Improper title bar in webapps #8819 @eirk
- Missing CFBundleName in profile Info.plist #8821 @eirk
- Closing orion preview also causes the orion profile to exit #8864 @Aldehyde
- Make PIP Tab Close Confirmation Popup Optional #8878 @lesharris
- Toggling some sidebars wrongly enables vertical tabs #8816 @laptudirm
- After removing a filter list, only the cancel button is clickable however it doesn't actually revert the changes #8857 @Aldehyde
- Truncate profile name on creation #8863 @eirk
- Summarizer top doesn't respect entering focus mode #8859 @eirk
- Simplify pip warning description #8858 @eirk
- Can't remove top hits #8862 @eirk
- Dialog box with large contents overflow out of window bounds #8836 @glhrmv
- Missing some localisations for French #8753 @Honcharenko
- Text & Icons not showing on onedrive #8394 @Nekee
- Suspending a tab in the tab viewer doesn't update state immediately #8516 @Honcharenko
- Toggling Mini Toolbar leaves horizontal line on tabs #8484 @adorabilis
- Suspension indicators showing only after hover #8483 @laptudirm
- Opening new tab, replaces the current rss feed, with the one discovered in new tab.
- Colored chrome overflow menu can blend into toolbar when its white
- "Web" Icon Turns Black After Opening Websites in New Tab #8196 @ACh
- Blank screen when accesing BancoFalabella.cl #7665 @benheesoo
- URL bar Icon and text not visible in light mode on dark topbar background #8906 @esiayo
- Missing "No Favorites" placeholder for empty favorites folder in address bar
- Support for Slack expiring #8956 @Tacketh
- Language isn't submitted/provided to extensions #7839 @sash
- Exporting passwords does not export verification codes for 2FA
- Add a visual indicator for pinned tabs in vertical tab layout when the sidebar is at minimum width #8498 @jkl
- Start Page with many bookmark folders animates sluggishly in Mission Control when windowed. #9009 @Xyth
- Unable to import only passwords from Safari #9007 @deconvolved
- PIP triggers even when window is in fullscreen #9011 @TheOtherKai
- Bookmark loading performance fix
- Capitalization issues and more #9000 @eirk
- Empty/nonexistent entries in the History window can still be right clicked, causing a context menu to appear #8982 @laiz
- Start page folders aren't being closed after opening a link from them #8983 @laiz
- Orion crashes after hitting ESC key with a preview tab opened #8938 @heisznberg
- Orion takes 2mins of beachballing to start up #8931 @remerson
- Random crashes on on application switch #8866 @whatdaforkdangit
- Open websites in https rather than http by default when protocol not specified #8839 @bzgnyc
- Why do these two websites chew a lot of CPU time for no obvious reason? #8724 @bzgnyc
- Crash with Empty Page #8661 @SKDC
- MacOS audio/video effects are ignored #8402 @knutwalker
- Creating new profile by copying settings/bookmarks and passwords from existing takes a lot of time
- Exporting passwords does not export verification codes for 2FA
- Page Tweaks highlight doesn't always work with Vertical Tabs
- Wrong favorite bookmarks on start page #6986 @Haarolean
- After updating filter list, adblock drops from 100 to 99% #7504 @laiz
- Start page is not re-fitting itself if the viewport change takes place in another tab
- Two confirmation prompts upon attempting to quit
- Sidebar collapsing performance issue #7063 @asktru
- [Regression] Fixed performance issue with vertical tabs open
- Proton Pass Firefox / Chrome extension is not working #6859 @SukinoVerse
- A Typo #9068 @YuriySamorodov
- Web Apps with Title Bar disabled do not have close, hide and minimize options in Full Screen mode #5381 @Shadowknight
- Alert boxes are displayed with an inconsistent style #9041 @antoineco
- Attempting to select the search field with "Command + L" in a full screen page opens a new window. #3258 @JayPowell
- Unable to "Download Linked File" in certain situations #549 @Cannabat
- Incorrect url highlighting for data: urls #4497 @eirk
- Website settings menu is buggy when quickly hovering #393 @h2flux
- Reopen last closed tab still works after reopenning brwoser when history auto-delete is enabled #2969 @AVOnyx
- Dragging link to + button creates tab in wrong window #1626 @donut
- Start Page Favicon background fill is inconsistent
- Creating QR Code of Preview window comes from parent window #7828 @eirk
- Inconsistent tab text color in vertical tab #9010 @mostafa
- URL bar gets focus when Tabs toolbar button is closed in Fullscreen #8995 @mksoska
- Show/Hide sidebar button doesn't match other icons' colors #8992 @esiayo
- Show/hide sidebar icon takes a long time to reappear upon opening/closing sidebar #8993 @esiayo
- In Private, right click menu always shows "Search with {regular mode engine}" #8961 @milos
- Using "quit and keep windows" still warns about closing them #528 @guilevi
- Removing first top hit removes the section name #8985 @eirk
- Page Back issues in Kiosk mode #5558 @juneorion
- Unstable Tab Overview Layout #6112 @mazil
- Better naming of picture in picture #8987 @eirk
- Edit window shortcut works only on first window #8991 @eirk
- Dragging a Favorites folder from the Bookmarks menu into itself in the Start Page consistently crashes Orion #8984 @laiz
- Favorites should only display when enabled in start page #8988 @eirk
- The WebApp indicator context menu occupies that of the reload button when the WebApp indicator is not displayed #8957 @laiz
- Support for Slack expiring #8956 @Tacketh
- Bad state of "Get" button in "Popular Extensions" #3510 @mentee
- Drag and drop HTML file to URL field searches instead of loading page. #2612 @smurf
- Private windows and non-private windows shouldn't share download entries #1014 @gp
- Keyboard shortcut to close Page Summary #8919 @cedric
- Checked background image with no image should have transparent toolbar #8861 @eirk
- Removing background image causes bookmarks bar/tabs to keep image in start page #8860 @eirk
- Unable to Access Website #8788 @shoey1200
- Missing animation when switching start page background #8754 @eirk
- Bookmark popup cannot be cancelled #8738 @eirk
- Window width grows infinitely as Focus mode is toggled #3032 @anton
- Page crashes #8596 @lobochrome
- Compatibility mode should also temporarily disable all page tweaks #8481 @laiz
- Website settings icon changes size #8423 @eirk
- Does anything need to be done to protect against supposed vulnerability? #8390 @bzgnyc
- Navigate Between Tabs doesnt work when hovering over favicon #8364 @ACh
- Show favicons inside tabs disabled bugged with vertical tabs #8366 @eirk
- URL bar defocuses when Entering Fullscreen on Start Page #8320 @Zeezus
- Cmd + T opens tab in background while in fullscreen #8292 @hsvfan-jan
- Typing in Discord webapp search bar causes error beeps on each button press #8127 @laiz
- “Exit Full Screen” Button Doesn’t Seem to Work in Some Websites #8044 @ACh
- "Favorites" popup is being focused when it should be not #6791 @Haarolean
- "Undo Closed Tabs" Animation Goes Missing #8245 @ACh
- Extensions focus the address bar when clicking an option in them #7929 @Lucy
- Tabs Icon/Text Not Dimmed When Unfocused #7896 @ACh
- Language isn't submitted/provided to extensions #7839 @sash
units do not update when tab bar is shown or hidden #7287 @adamaveray - Increase URL field text contrast in dark mode #7251 @adamaveray
- Dark mode toolbar icons and favorites can become invisible on macOS 15
- Download pane padding UI/UX improvement
- Smoother start page favicon corner radius
- Unpredictable iCloud Drive Synchronization - Tabs randomly reappear when Orion crashes #8357 @oxi_moron
- Random crash while browser in background with no internet connection
- Tab reverts to previous URL on race condition of Sync feature #6836 @stonekyx
- Preview windows often open in the background #9042 @antoineco
- Preview Positioning Window Now Stealing Focus on Switching Spaces
- Missing Translation - New Profile Button #9128 @YuriySamorodov
- When clicking "Suspend tab" on a "Pinned tab," it continuously generates new blank pages. #9090 @youthfire
- New Tab - Switch to pre-existing Tab, should close now empty new tab #9074 @ti56Cart
- When deleting a saved window nothing happens #9148 @RoyHenEngel
- Standard Tab Layout: "Use mini toolbar" menu item isn't capitalised #9124 @Xyth
- Create Button - Two Small #9129 @YuriySamorodov
- Deleting a saved window doesn't work as expected #8457 @Honcharenko
- Closed Preview windows stay visible in Mission Control / Exposé #9143 @ThePC007
- Address bar can disappear at min width switching from standard to compact tabs
- Missing Favicon from Preview Add Tab
- Unable to drag bookmarks to reorder #9031 @ikornaselur
- Focus forced back to Orion with Spaces #7563 @atgranted
- Window.confirm popup is editable #9114 @eirk
- View Source: Reload decieving #9117 @mountainash
- Particular site briefly renders, then goes blank #9115 @isocat
- Pined Tabs disappeared after changing language #9108 @youthfire
- Security Key PIN prompt should get focus #9113 @MW
- Expanding preview windows into tabs via cmd+T no longer works #9100 @laiz
- Site Settings - Strange Wording #9075 @YuriySamorodov
- If two previewed windows are opened., the second one won't close #8969 @whitemamba
- Dashlane Extension - Does not show up at all #8024 @donniedarkobeautiful
- Orion RC crashes with "Enpass Password Manager" extension enabled #7632 @/
- Regression on Password Managers Autofill Functinoality #8840 @MyerrZz
- Icloud password chrome extension bug when submit 2FA code and new password #7218 @superix
- Website recognising as old version of MacOS #9054 @gambithunt
- WebExtensions alarms API not working #9071 @dichlorodiphen
- Improved start-up performance
- Tab order is wrong after restarting Orion #9170 @stonekyx
- Close tab icon is always visible for the active tab when using the Standard layout #9165 @albertcsanjuan
- Regular segfaults when RC starts #9172 @gp
- Return to original tab button on PiP window not working #9173 @the_code9
- Site installed as webapp does not have an icon in stage manager #5637 @httpjames
- IPv6 address URLs get HTML encoded #1672 @BananaPineapple
- Don't recreate profile apps if moved #8342 @eirk
- Persistent scrollbar fix for JS alerts #9041 @antoineco
- Dashlane Extension - Does not show up at all #8024 @donniedarkobeautiful
- Enpass Password Manager hang when clicking icon under login fields #7632 @/
- Weird background on tab row when using standard tab layout #8529 @Honcharenko
- Toolbar in vertical mode overlaying on top the page in reader mode #9066 @Honcharenko
- Redesigned "Privacy Report" popover
- Dragging a tab out of existing window causes a beachball hang #9136 @gp
- Remove the favicon when writing on the site bar #8899 @cedric
- [Safari parity] Allow more than 12 favorites to be shown in address bar popup #651 @hsu
- Compact mode TabBar shouldn't scroll to the last tab after restoring session
- Favicons not populating on pinned tabs #9177 @crispy
- Cannot click close alert button if overlaps with web inspector #8990 @eirk
- Return to original tab button on PiP window not working #9173 @the_code9
- Close tab icon is always visible for the active tab when using the Standard layout #9165 @albertcsanjuan
- Optimized bookmark deletition
- Capitalization issues and more #9000 @eirk
- Tab bar hidden when opening new window from preview #9153 @adamg_90241
- Persistent vertical sidebar width #9046 @ElPsyCongroo
- URL bar Icon and text not visible in macOS light mode on dark topbar background #8906 @esiayo
- When opening a link while holding CMD to open it in a new tab, the tab does’t appear #9195 @RoyHenEngel
- Orion RC 0.99 (129.4) Fails to Start on Intel Macbook #9199 @YuriySamorodov
- [Regression] Fixed unnecessary pings to website
- Orion is dying on startup. #9216 @TCat
- Capitalize 'r' in report for the Privacy Report menu #9214 @ForeverAl