
  • Joined Aug 11, 2023
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  • The cancel web search button is cut off.

    Steps to replicate:

    1. Open Orion.
    2. Tap on address bar
    3. Result: (See image)

    I expect the web page search button to be full and not cut off:

    (Screenshot was taken on an iPhone 14 Pro Max)

    1.3.18 (5) (WebKit 8620.


    • When attempting to log in on Reddit, the password provider does not appear for password autofill.

      Steps to replicate the issue with a new clean Orion profile:

      1. Make a clean profile
      2. Head to
      3. Attempt to log in with the expected password provider icon.
      4. Result: (See image)

      I expect to see the password provider icon like this:

      Version 0.99.131-beta (WebKit 621.

      Sequoia (15)

      • Yes, you are right. There appears to be a regression in the latest TestFlight 1.3.18 (2) (WebKit 8620.


        • Upon installing/upgrading to TestFlight 1.3.18 (1) (WebKit 8620., two bugs occur:

          1. The onboarding screen appears to be skipped through to the last page.

          2. The browser’s start page remains blank despite Favorites and Frequently Visited alongside the Show Edit Button enabled by default.

            • When setting Orion to start with “New Private Tab” the start page will remain blank every time upon fresh launching.

          See video(s)


          I expect:

          1. For the onboarding page to not be skipped without user interactions

          2. The browser’s start page to not be blank upon installation, when the browser is set to start with private tab, or in any situation when the start page appearance settings have been tweaked with the appropriate options on.

          1.3.18 (1) (WebKit 8620.


          • Here is a picture/diagram of the idea I am suggesting:

            I suggest moving “Close This Tab” to the bottom and “Close All Tabs/Close Both Tabs” to the top.

            Especially when a users holds the button to “drag and release” to select a tab management option, the more “destructive” option should be at the top. In other words, it should be easier and more convenient for users to drag and release just to close one tab rather than all.

            Take Safari for instance. It is more convenient and easier to close one tab than it being easier to close all tabs when holding and releasing to select.

            • d3host is no longer maintained and has been archived.

              I suggest removing d3host list by d3ward.

              Additionally remove “/ /ads.js” from Custom Filters as it can no longer serve its original purpose. (i.e. passing the test that no longer exists)

              Simplify the content blocker menu and also help new users from being confused on why there are certain custom filters by default.

              • Never mind if it’s not possible due to GPLv3

                I suggest adding AdGuard Social Media filter (Optimized) to the filters list for both Orion iOS and macOS.


                Here is the result of it on with Orion iOS:


                This filter list removes social media buttons and widgets from pages. These filters are NOT included with the other already provided AdGuard filters in Orion. I suggest adding this list as an optional list.

                • Michal Huh. You’re right. I’m not quite sure. I never noticed it gone.

                  I can’t seem to reproduce it or, in a sense, turn the magnifying glass back on. At least not yet.

                  • Michal I’m unsure of what you mean. Can you clarify on what this magnifying glass would be?

                    • Yannick I believe this bug is only visible in private mode.

                      Edit: (given the white buttons instead of blue)

                      • The address bar prompt on a new tab page should be faded/gray like the non-functioning faded out back, forward, and share button.

                        This indicates that there are no webpages displayed and that the new tab page is “empty”.

                        See image:

                        What I expect:

                        I expect it to follow what Safari does.
                        When there are no websites in the address bar, the address bar’s prompt mirrors the color of the non-functioning buttons to show that the new tab page is “empty”.

                        See image:

                        1.3.16 (1) (WebKit 8620. TESTFLIGHT


                        • See image:

                          (On a iPhone 14 Pro Max if that helps)

                          I expect the prompt to be centered.

                          1.3.16 (1) (WebKit 8620. TESTFLIGHT


                          • Here are two bugs associated with the website settings button on a new tab page:

                            1. Adding tabs causes the website setting button to flash.


                            • Open Orion
                            • Add new tabs

                            See video:

                            1. Adding tabs then swiping between tabs causes website setting buttons to disappear.


                            • Open Orion
                            • Add tabs
                            • Swipe between them with the toolbar
                            • Result

                            See video:

                            I expect:

                            1. The website button not to flash when adding new tabs.

                            2. For the website button to not disappear when swiping between tabs.

                            In general I don’t even think the website button should be there on blank new tabs anyways

                            1.3.16 (1) (WebKit 8620. TESTFLIGHT


                            • I would say that, yes, this bug seemed to have made it way back in. It was never properly fixed though. It just happened to get fixed by itself one day.

                              Not sure why or how it's back though.

                              • Switching the toolbar icons from just "icons only" to "icons and text" will cause the website settings icon to shrink and eventually disappear.

                                See video:

                                (The quick fix is to just close out of your browsing session. This will reset the icons. Still not ideal, of course).

                                I expect the icons to not shrink incrementally when switching back and forth from "icons only" to "icons and text" and for me to not need to close out the browsing session just to reset the icon.

                                Version (WebKit 621.

                                Sequoia (15)

                                • After adding the notes icon to the toolbar and opening it, the Notes icon becomes dark which is not the desired behavior as the other icons on the toolbar:

                                  See image:

                                  I expect the icons on the toolbar (specifically built in icons) to be gray like every other built in icons.

                                  See image:

                                  Version (WebKit 621.

                                  Sequoia (15)

                                  • Red6785

                                    Yeah I can't either. Beta seems to be completely fine.

                                    RC is just the one affected. that is.

                                    • Bitwarden's icon (from Safari) is incorrectly displayed as it is grayed out.

                                      Here is what it looks like on Orion:

                                      Here is what it looks like on Safari:

                                      Not signed in:

                                      Signed in:

                                      Signed in with 5 accounts associated to the website:

                                      Version (WebKit 621.

                                      Sequoia (15)

                                      • @dino The issue is unfortunately not fixed, at least with SponsorBlock, on Orion with a clean profile on version (WebKit 621.

                                        @httpjames Did the update fix the issue for you?

                                        Please take a look at my video:

                                        • @Michal

                                          Additional video:

                                          Simple steps:

                                          1. Go to website
                                          2. Go to the device home
                                          3. Reopen app
                                          4. Result