- Add focus mode indicator
- Allow the + button for tabs to exist immediately to the right of compact tabs #7658 @whitemamba
- Import spaces from Arc #7033 @Nim
- Close Tree Shortcut #7601 @Boedy
Improvements and bug fixes
- Some webpages have to take a refresh to load up #7133 @orionlover
- Tabs become unresponsive on Orion 127.2 #7648 @laiz
- 1Password crashes and reloads repeatedly in RC 11 #7423 @flummoxer
- 1password constantly crashing #6847 @Soham
- 1Password issue causes Orion to repeatedly spawn new tabs #7118 @twingeofregret
- Diminished Tab Bar Visibility #7603 @Leirk
- Unable to use url schemes #7768 @eirk
- The downloads button on webapps has a distracting black background on current RC builds #7757 @laiz
- Suspended tabs show domain but not page title #2442 @m-cat
- Compact tabs: Use background instead of border
- AdBlock for YouTube stops working. #7733 @Megabits
- Auto update extensions appears to use blocking HTTP requests #7707 @gp
- Dark Reader extension broken again on latest RC #7722 @_I_
- Bitwarden doesn't autofill login details on #7721 @willp
- Youtube doesn't work on Orion Version when the content blocker is enabled #7720 @laiz
- Extra border above active tab in horizontal tabs mode #7705 @ThinkingDes
- Opening a link in Orion profile through the Orion app opens the wrong profile / doesn't open the link #7519 @eskidostlar
- Keyboard shortcut to open preview popup link in a new tab #7557 @avr
- Refresh after changing site settings extension activation #7585 @adamaveray
- Open external links in default profile doesn't work #7630 @eirk
- Saved windows do not keep tabs hierarchy #7428 @asktru
- Creating new window with menu bar while in full screen crashes Orion RC #7754 @MarioMastr
- Seemingly off-by-one tab focusing issue in vertical tabs #7727 @eirk
- Voiceover screenreader cannot interact with web content #5411 @ashleycox432
- Moving tab out of window is unresponsive #7606 @rosenrot
- URL bar gets focus when toolbar items close in Fullscreen #7680 @mksoska
- Preview windows doesn't do downloads #7337 @rosenrot
- Preview mode authorization not suggesting the password for input #7327 @NevevrAlak
- Switching between RC profile windows via macOS dock requires two clicks #7278 @laiz
- Toolbar occasionally covers the top of the page when using compact tabs on #7755 @laiz
- Colored Chrome: Titlebar isn't tinted for new windows in fullscreen mode
- Issues with switching standard/compact and focus mode at the same time #7798 @eirk
- Frame context menu shows incorrect action label #5422 @adamaveray
- Mac sleeps when downloads are in progress #5926 @adorabilis
- Can't allow pop-up windows in preview mode #7326 @NevevrAlak
- Don't reopen start page tabs #7728 @eirk
- Orion keeps grabing focus on Alt-Tab #7774 @Gartunius
- Pinned tabs reset to initial link #5593 @Tinholoco
- Moving a tab to new window via the context menu causes a new saved window to be created and initial window being hidden #7756 @laiz
- Dragging .webloc file to folder in the dock doesn't work. #7487 @carnivalWilson
- Tab title tooltip covers thumbnails #7760 @emvaized
- Switching between desktops causes Orion RC to not activate the correct desktop when switched to it via the dock #7761 @laiz
- Move right-click context menu "Search with {Engine}" item below "Look Up {Word}" #5317 @adamaveray
- Orion Preview Full Screen Video keeps Playing until Focus Loss #7758 @rosenrot
- Visual bugs with tab management in focus mode #7731 @eirk
- RSS feed indicator does not detect feeds available on youtube pages #7477 @bluedaisy
- Focus mode indicator showing without traffic lights #7730 @eirk
- Saved Window title = actual window title (in Expose) #7656 @minimum
- Do not prompt user to subscribe to Orion+ when they are already Orion+ user #7614 @mojolobo
- Missing padding for search bar when opening new tab #7725 @eirk
- Compact tab titles get stretched/squished #7726 @eirk
- Reader mode icon doesn't pop up when not available #7801 @eirk
- No top padding for reader more with Compact tabs #7769 @Honcharenko
- Issues with window focusing #7333 @eirk
- Print dialog paper size selection does not work #3209 @tkataja
- Privacy breach with link preview in private window #7677 @frin
- Sync cannot be disabled when iCloud Drive is turned off #7628 @OrionUser42
- 'make link preview a new tab' will sometimes open the tab in a private window but with all sites logged in like regular #7509 @Aldehyde
- When you open a priview window from within another preview window, closing one closes all of them #7507 @Aldehyde
- Paste and Go should get rid of URL bar focus #7623 @CyberArchon
- Preview Detached Windows Move Spaces
- Preview window should be able to show JS alerts
- Compact Tabs + Show Website Colour options cause certain websites to scroll when the window is dragged #7767 @Aldehyde
- Can't upload files in Preview windows #7502 @Boedy
- Swipe Back and Forward between pages in Preview Window Mode #7604 @WindWalker
- Moving a tab to a new non-existing window opens a new window #7501 @Haarolean
- Unable to click small speake icon on tab while in vertical tab view (smallest width) #7407 @mazil
- Visible tab should not automatically suspend #7587 @SteveA
- Vertical tabs and "pinch" tab view: I can't get back to the tab I was on when I click on the tab. #7592 @LittleSpot
- Preview Window Missing Leading Inset
- Orion is Active on Moving to an Empty Space
- Preview should not create Non-Private Tab in Private Window
- Preview Sometimes Scrolls When Detached
- Unable to Change Profile Icon to Color After Changing It to Emoji
- Compact tabs can become hidden after minimising Orion and relaunching