have two profiles:

  • default. in video: default; grey
  • non-default. in video: school; green
  • quit all orion profiles
  • open non-default profile
  • open default profile
  • open link from external app (in video: discord)
  • observe that it opens the non-default profile

should respect the setting for opening in default profile.

Sonoma (14)

    Open external links in: Last Active Profile also doesn't seem to behave as expected.
    It always seems to prefer the profile which was opened first rather than default or last active.

      pewpewpewpew opened first

      Exactly. this is also the behavior of Orion before the this setting of Open external links in was added to Orion.

      It looks like this preference is broken and seems to not have an effect on opening external links anymore

        10 days later
        18 days later

        @Vlad it's not working properly. I don't htink it ever was.
        Seems like what happens is a bit weird.
        It first focuses the green profile, before attempting to switch to the grey profile to open the URL. But, it seems like there's a race condition(?) so it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

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