
  • Jul 18, 2024
  • Joined Mar 24, 2024
  • 3 discussions
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  • @Vlad Is this fix already rolled out?

    I'm sorry to report that I'm still experiencing this issue as originally reported. To Fix it I need to re-open the url in a new tab. Only refreshing the page has no effect.

    Version (WebKit 619.1.1)
    Build date Apr 4 2024
    Mac Studio (macOS Sonoma 14.4 build 23E214)

    • It could be similar to other actions in Orion. Which are greyed out if N/A.

    • Perhaps a menu option could be added if the user is on a tab which has children. It could be grey out when it's not applicable.

      • Allowing the user to set the the "inactivity time" in settings or when enabling Lower Power Mode would be a nice addition. Currently it defaults to suspending tabs after 5 minutes of inactivity.

        This could either be a input field which defaults 5 (min) or have a drop down with some options. For example:

        • 5 minutes
        • 15 minutes
        • 30 minutes
        • 1 hour
        • 3 hours
      • Currently to close a tab tree a user has to:

        1. Right mouse click on tab root
        2. Click on "Close Tree"

        I propose adding a shortcut that works for both mouse and keyboard. As far as I can tell the following shotcuts exist:

        Close tab:
        Keyboard: cmd + w
        Mouse: L1 on close Icon

        Close Other tabs
        Keyboard: cmd + option + w
        Mouse: L1 + option key on close icon

        I suggest adding:

        Close Tree
        Keyboard: cmd + ctrl + w
        Mouse: L1 + ctrl key on close icon

        • Vlad replied to this.
        • Show more close options.

          The one that gets me most is that you show close tabs above or close tabs below but not both.

          What I often want to do is move back to the top of the tree and then delete the rest of the tree. Close tabs below would allow that but that option is not there if at the root of a tree and I definitely do not want to close tabs above as those tabs were open before looking at the tree and I want them to stay open for all time.

          e.g. I have a tab for a serach in github - I search and open tabs under that search then finish and want to do another search.

        • Not sure if it's the same issue, but there is no printer size option in the print dialog:

          Mac preview print dialog:

          Orion print dialog:

          Version (WebKit 619.1.1)
          Build date Mar 26 2024
          Mac Studio (macOS Sonoma 14.4 build 23E214)

          • Just ran into this today. Sharing a specific window would be nice addition, but more importantly it's currently also not possible to pick which monitor to share. By default Orion seems to share the monitor in which the Browser window is active.

            • I'm not able to upload files in Preview windows

     (WebKit 619.1.1)

              Sonoma (14)

              • In preview window's I'm not able to click on anything or type anything. Hearing alert sounds when keys are pressed until window is moved. See attached screen recording:

                To expect to be able to interact with the browser.


                Sonoma (14)

                • I've noticed one small functionality which I greatly miss using Orion, which some other browsers (e.g Chrome) support: the ability to follow links on a webpage by using the Ctrl + Enter keyboard shortcut when the link is highlighted during an active 'Find on page' search

                  Why This Feature?
                  This keyboard shortcut allows users to navigate webpages more efficiently, especially when browsing a long scrollable list in which you know what you're looking for. It eliminates the need for extra mouse clicks and streamlines the browsing experience.

                  Proposed Behavior:
                  When a user highlights a link on a webpage through the ‘Find on page’, pressing Ctrl + Enter (or cmd + Enter) would open the highlighted link in the current tab. And perhaps Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open it a new tab.

                  Hope this small, but impactful micro feature, can be included in the scope.