Currently to close a tab tree a user has to:

  1. Right mouse click on tab root
  2. Click on "Close Tree"

I propose adding a shortcut that works for both mouse and keyboard. As far as I can tell the following shotcuts exist:

Close tab:
Keyboard: cmd + w
Mouse: L1 on close Icon

Close Other tabs
Keyboard: cmd + option + w
Mouse: L1 + option key on close icon

I suggest adding:

Close Tree
Keyboard: cmd + ctrl + w
Mouse: L1 + ctrl key on close icon

  • Vlad replied to this.
  • Show more close options.

    The one that gets me most is that you show close tabs above or close tabs below but not both.

    What I often want to do is move back to the top of the tree and then delete the rest of the tree. Close tabs below would allow that but that option is not there if at the root of a tree and I definitely do not want to close tabs above as those tabs were open before looking at the tree and I want them to stay open for all time.

    e.g. I have a tab for a serach in github - I search and open tabs under that search then finish and want to do another search.

    Boedy How would the shortcut be discoverable by the user?

      Perhaps a menu option could be added if the user is on a tab which has children. It could be grey out when it's not applicable.

        Boedy Hm these kind of dynamic menu options are not common. do you have an example for it?

          It could be similar to other actions in Orion. Which are greyed out if N/A.

          6 days later

          On the close tree.

          I used Firefox tree style tabs.

          I really like that if you close a tab by clicking with mouse on the x in the tab it closes the tree from that tab downwards not just the single tab.

          This would probably need to be a preference wether close closes the whole tree or just the current tab.

          As to discoverability - tree style tabs has a sub menu that a right click shows the option (and also gives preferences to control what options appear on the menu or its sub menus - but that is probably too much)

            17 days later

            expect this, I really think currently tree operation shortcuts is too weak, what we can only do to operate a tree Is click box of open tab in next current tab, therefore we can create a constant tree, but others, like close tree, close inner tree, go to next tree tab, move tree inside windows to reorder it, lots of tst in ff here is leak, and there is no way to hack it to implement.

              What is one thing we can add to make this much better?

                Show more close options.

                The one that gets me most is that you show close tabs above or close tabs below but not both.

                What I often want to do is move back to the top of the tree and then delete the rest of the tree. Close tabs below would allow that but that option is not there if at the root of a tree and I definitely do not want to close tabs above as those tabs were open before looking at the tree and I want them to stay open for all time.

                e.g. I have a tab for a serach in github - I search and open tabs under that search then finish and want to do another search.

                  Vlad hey, I’ve seen u change tag to next release, just to be sure is there any update on “shortcut” to operate the tree or we just add few more operate item when people right click the tab in the tree window

                    4 days later

                    Looks like the shortcuts of cmd-ctrl-w to close tree and ctrl-left click on x button were added

                    but, for some strange reason, cmd-ctrl-w wasn't added to the menu bar.

                      @Vlad I don't think this should be marked as done, because the shortcut definitely should be added to the menu bar. otherwise, the shortcut has no discoverability, nor can it be customized.

                      • Vlad replied to this.
                        2 months later

                        I have just got the new beta and this is definitely not done.
                        Nothing has changed.

                        I do not use keyboard short cuts as I can't remember them and also when browsing I use the mouse.

                          No one is typing