
  • Jun 3, 2023
  • Joined Dec 30, 2021
  • 14 discussions
  • 53 posts
  • 0 best answers
  • 154 points
  • Orion+ Lifetime License is now officialy avaialble for $150 USD!

    Check Orion+ website or go to Orion Settings -> Plus to purchase (It will use your Kagi.com account or createa a new one). This is the best way to support Orion browser development. Thank you.

    This release includes patch for WebKit's iLeakage vulnerability.

    We bring over 130 new features, improvements and bug fixes in this release, making it the largest to date.



    • Patch for WebKit's iLeakage vulnerability.
    • Patch for programmable button JavaScript context vulnerability (thanks to Noam Drong)


    • Performance: Removed unnecessary UI animation calls on app launch
    • Performance: Removed redundant UI update calls on app launch (while restoring tabs)
    • Performance: Improved favicon caching for custom sizes (i.e. bookmark bar items, menu items, tab view etc)
    • Improved consistency of menus, labels throughout the app
    • Passwords should apply to all parts of a site’s domain #5928 @JustABrowser
    • Drag tab out of window #3379 @amichaeel
    • Regression: Orion process names no longer contain the website URLs #5722 @laiz
    • Move between suggestions with Tab #5870 @i0mx9kk
    • Import From Safari window shows Profile selection in Sonoma
    • Highlight when clicking on downloaded file #1349 @cactus
    • More modern private browsing prompt #6206 @eirk
    • Better indication that there are more tabs to the right #5828 @rosenrot
    • Change Notes shortcut to Cmd-Opt-I #5874 @TCat
    • Orion+ "Choose your plan" webview too small for hover info tooltips #6406 @httpjames
    • Close last tab of window with right click #6166 @viewsourc3
    • Add import/export to passwords window #83 @cyzyvos
    • Tab context menu should have a close tab item #6189 @sirius
    • Repress command+L or press escape to exit selected address bar #5801 @Fortrikka
    • Screenshot filename is non-standard #364 @eirk
    • Right clicking the sidebar + (new tab) button shows 'Recently Closed Tabs' too #6377 @janpeeters
    • Increase Bookmark Bar Favicon Size #5616 @B4ND1T
    • Prioritize address bar above everything else in toolbar #1579 @eirk
    • Reopening last closed window should restore suspended tabs status #5773 @adamaveray
    • Do not show plus cursor icon when dragging tab into new window #6366 @adamaveray
    • Extensions grayed out after updating to new Orion version #3418 @jonathon
    • Notes toolbar button should toggle Notes view #1719 @twingeofregret
    • Ask for confirmation before removing an extension #1460 @BomberFish
    • Orion opens ALL of my tabs from my saved tab groups even if the website isn't loaded on the tab group #6266 @GradyBlue
    • Tabs dragged out of a private window should open in a new private window #3823 @bluedaisy
    • More consistent edit options for profiles, windows, and bookmarks #4863 @eirk
    • (Nitpick) Sparkle updater window doesn't show in the app's main Window menu #1198 @gp
    • Intro video window is oversized #2303 @flyx
    • Implement AlwaysShowTabBar #5943 @turbo
    • Remove 'Home' from installed site app link context menus #5776 @adamaveray


    • New Chrome Web Store UI breaks downloads #6056 @Garbee
    • Proton Pass Mozilla Firefox Extension #5469 @winstonbartlegod
    • iCloud Passwords Extension #5631 @gcqd
    • MacOS Sonoma iCloud Password Extension doesn't work #6194 @Maxi
    • Alby extension now working
    • Bitwarden - vault timeout does not work (Firefox extension). #2927 @Benjamin
    • Bitwarden ask to add login not working #5697 @pringerx
    • Bitwarden: Auto-fill does not work #3341 @Bento
    • Bitwarden extension fails to save history of generated passwords until you have first "cleared" the (empty) history list #2218 @ash3110
    • Bitwarden caused Orion very laggy on start #5857 @SukinoVerse
    • Autofill passwords from bitwarden extension not working. #5333 @db17
    • Bitwarden extension can fail to show pop-up offering to save a password #1469 @bribri
    • 1password race condition producing error #5892 @Vlad
    • 1Password is not able to fill login credentials after unlocking #5990 @matkam
    • ClickUp is unusable #5458 @pintlinkage
    • Exiting focus mode cause an unexpected UI bug #6316 @Honcharenko
    • MetaMask extension doesn't load #437 @nhynes
    • Reddit Enhancement Suite embeds in a private window show up in history #5508 @JayPowell
    • "Reload" button for extensions #75 @tom
    • MV3 chrome.runtime.onInstalled/onStartup never called #5607 @andre
    • Browser.storage.StorageArea.onChanged is undefined #5688 @HaydenHong
    • Storage.local.get automatically parses JSON #3898 @bumi
    • Extension "Hide YouTube Thumbnails" not functioning properly #5805 @bilal
    • User JavaScript and CSS Extension shows keys instead of strings #66 @cyzyvos
    • Improved performance of Update value comparison in Storage API
    • Extension popups should remain open when Orion loses focus #5877 @cyzyvos


    • 'Back' button in Start Page bookmark folders isn't working #5746 @Xyth
    • Invisible text on Github Pull Requests file diff #6198 @emzoumpo
    • Printing from new PDF.js viewer just prints blank sheets #5173 @Dustin
    • Unable to authenticate with security key due to bug in webauthn-get-element.ts #6458 @bitwalker
    • Certain PDFs do not download #5485 @iasoren
    • Using Westlaw's Copy with Reference Feature Does Not Copy Text and Captures the Wrong Page Number #5444 @scottharris1014
    • Macrumors.com reloads in a loop #6201 @Dustin
    • Bookmark invocation regression in new release 0.99.125 #5724 @minte
    • Orion making connection to browser.kagi.com on startup #5906 @Dustin
    • Troubleshoot Website Issues -> 404 #5851 @matkam
    • PDF files cannot be downloaded or printed on when using PDF.js #6223 @laiz
    • Bookmark toolbar icon state does not update when adding/deleting bookmark from menubar, sidebar, keyboard shortcut #5927 @adorabilis
    • Window menu shows "Private" on non-private windows in some situations #5583 @gp
    • Unable to add items into Overflow Menu #2472 @lexi
    • Cmd+W with only one tab open doesn't close window #6262 @_I_
    • Flickr for Reading list on start page
    • Editing the text in the address bar when it contains devanagari characters (possibly other scripts) causes it to crash #6421 @Aldehyde
    • Too long of a window title breaks toolbar #858 @eirk
    • Delete window can't be accept with Enter key #6329 @Orpheus
    • Overflow menu doesn't accept extensions nor programmable buttons #6376 @janpeeters
    • Focus mode: opening new tab does not prompt to search bar #5545 @heisznberg
    • Youtube Shorts do not autoplay #4812 @rosenrot
    • Invocation keywords not working on version 0.99.125-beta #6333 @sungnix
    • Show Sidebar keyboard shortcut is hard to access #5813 @twingeofregret
    • Dev Console blocks confirming a download #6054 @quarkw
    • PiP icon stays in adressbar #6426 @Longely
    • Installed website apps crashed #6089 @mazil
    • Opening a pdf on the Canvas LMS website causes continuous reloading #4240 @glossary
    • Enabling Compatibility Mode doesnt seem to enable ads on youtube #6428 @Longely
    • Cant visit stol.it without Compatibility mode #5045 @danrungg
    • Hitting enter when bookmark is selected in address bar triggers search #4832 @ersin
    • When accessing some history items from addressbar in RC, browser crash #6211 @Longely
    • Update error Orion desktop browser #6065 @StefanoL246
    • Text selection color changed from blue to near-white, reducing visibility #6336 @guardiangate4110
    • Volume icon stays on tabs after sounds is done playing #4231 @Longely
    • Download in one window, open another, observe download indicator gone #1224 @eirk
    • Crash when opening a new tab #6441 @guardiangate4110
    • Dark mode gets sometimes ignored #6443 @guardiangate4110
    • Blurry rendering #6437 @Dustin
    • Not authorized to send Apple events in Apple Script
    • Orion RC Browser Crashes When Adding Site to Bookmarks Bar #6457 @Maxpl01t
    • Oisd big list crashes content blocker #6342 @spicysalmon
    • Overlay menu on GitHub is always visible #5275 @TommasoAmici
    • Website reloads even when user agent is unmodified #6154 @httpjames
    • Browser history bar has duplicate untitled entry #6343 @spicysalmon
    • The address bar doesn't update if you hover over a suggestion or a bookmark and then hover over a top hit or a tab #6217 @Aldehyde
    • Stray bracketed number in saved window names on tab group picker #6135 @gp
    • Wrong tab preview when horizontal tab overflows #5914 @adorabilis
    • Bookmarks use light mode icons in dark mode #6057 @eirk
    • WordPress.com with EasyList broken in RC #6394 @spicysalmon
    • If last tab in a window is notes tab, close tab will not close the window [RC] #6251 @Nezteb
    • Cannot close window with pinned tabs via keyboard #5735 @adamaveray
    • Horizontal tab bar jumps around when new tabs are opened #5919 @adorabilis
    • Zoom status in address bar not aligned vertically #5894 @adorabilis
    • Window edit renames doesn't work properly #6338 @mazil
    • Tab switcher shortcut #5478 @joystmp
    • URLs with underscore in subdomain but no protocol interpreted as search #1077 @Cannabat
    • Orion notifies low battery when plugged and the percentage is actually going up, charging (8%, 10%...) #6220 @lord-reptilia
    • Only one tab can be moved to another group without restarting Orion #5932 @Stakker
    • Additional horizontal lines appear in the 'Bookmarks' menu item every time it is opened when the menu bar is in focus. #6259 @Aldehyde
    • Orion Webapp - Command+W does not close window #6257 @Aldehyde
    • Filter list link added with invalid scheme unable to remove
    • In bookmark window, renaming something defocuses it when finished. #5966 @Fortrikka
    • Cannot suspend a tab with a toolbar button or help menu. Only through pointer-based interfacing. #6106 @Fortrikka
    • Selection bugs catalogue #1011 @Fortrikka
    • Closing Web Inspector via keyboard opens second Web Inspector when multiple windows open #5736 @adamaveray
    • Clicking on the menu bar or the window button and then tapping the up or down arrow keys causes infinite scrolling #6159 @Aldehyde
    • Visual bug when open a fresh window with vertical tabs turned on #6162 @Honcharenko
    • "Find in document" for the built-in PDF viewer triggers password autofill #5613 @toraudonn
    • The new tab icon is blurry in the vertical sidebar #5998 @ForumNinja404
    • @Ahmed You can use the same trick that TinkerTool is using on Safari to change Orion's keyboard shortcut for Back:

      1. Quit Orion
      2. Open terminal, paste in this command (all on one line), and hit enter:
        defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"
      3. Open Orion and you'll see that delete is now the keyboard shortcut for Back:

      Note that this replaces the default shortcut, Cmd-[, so that won't work anymore. You can restore the original shortcuts using this command:

      defaults delete com.kagi.kagimacOS NSUserKeyEquivalents

      If these don't work for you, you may need to change some settings. See here for more info: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/backspace-key-as-back-button-in-safari-12-and-above.2175062/

      As a side note, you can customize most keyboard shortcuts in almost any application in the System Settings app, but Apple doesn't make this particularly obvious. Select "Keyboard" in the left bar, then click the "Keyboard Shortcuts..." button (middle-right on my screen), then select "App Shortcuts" on the left bar. Click the + button and you'll finally get the dialog that allows you to create a custom keyboard shortcut. As long as the app you're trying to control has a menu item for the command, even if it doesn't have a default keyboard shortcut, you can add a custom shortcut. Just type in the menu item exactly as it appears in the app. The caveat is that macOS limits the keys you can use as shortcuts -- you can't set Delete as a shortcut using this method, hence the Terminal command. However, both methods use the same underlying system. Once you've run the Terminal command above, you'll see your new Back shortcut appear in the "App Shortcuts" list.

      • Fixed

        • Pages randomly reload on (and RC) #4541 @ajgraves
        • Kernel_task using memory#4549 @Ahmed
        • Private Browsing data appears in normal browsing history and autofill #4560 @ANVECOM
        • I have 10 tab groups with a total of 200 tabs. Each time I close and restart the browser my tab order is messed up. #4360 @Sarafea
        • Slow 'SELECT ICON_HASH' sqlite query on main thread #4527 @comex
        • 'top hits' showing up even if unchecked #4546 @portastar
        • Emoji for tab groups is not displaying propperly #4556 @Honcharenko
        • Search Engine Configuration for Kagi has incorrect instructions #4550 @TCat
        • @Vlad just reinstalled macOS and WFM now. Not sure if the latest update was after this your last post or not but could be the last Web\kit update, something you did or upgrading from original Monterey to Ventura on my computer or an app I haven't reinstalled yet I will check after each reinstall for you. (if so sorry, if it wasn't the WebKit upgrade or your magic.) Its affecting some onion else so can you reply @Ahmed if fixed for you?

          • Steps to reproduce:
            After—possibly—meeting the same fate as @Ahmed [https://orionfeedback.org/d/3888-memory-leak], Orion has crashed twice. Having "After asking for approval" enabled, there hasn't been any option to share crash reports to the Orion team, only "Send to Apple".

            Expected behavior:
            Being able to send crash reports to the Orion team.

            Orion, OS version; hardware type:
            Version 0.99.122-beta (WebKit 615.1.11.7); MacBook Air M1 (macOS Ventura 13.0.1 build 22A400)


            • @Ahmed Provided this solves it for you, what could have we done differently in UI so you would achieve what you wanted in your first attempt?

              Website settings is exactly made to control all aspects of the site's settings including autoplay. You found the correct option, but it was not clear that youtube uses www.youtube.com domain (which is different than youtube.com).