This used to be an old feature in Safari where you could back to the previous page (instead of the two fingers swipe) with the delete key, I'm wondering if it could be a possible addition to Orion,
This used to be an old feature in Safari where you could back to the previous page (instead of the two fingers swipe) with the delete key, I'm wondering if it could be a possible addition to Orion,
I think this would refer to the backspace key, rather than the delete key (minor nit-pick). It seemed to die out of favour lately, presumably due to new users being confused if they don't focus on a text box correctly.
@Ahmed You can use the same trick that TinkerTool is using on Safari to change Orion's keyboard shortcut for Back:
defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"
Note that this replaces the default shortcut, Cmd-[, so that won't work anymore. You can restore the original shortcuts using this command:
defaults delete com.kagi.kagimacOS NSUserKeyEquivalents
If these don't work for you, you may need to change some settings. See here for more info: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/backspace-key-as-back-button-in-safari-12-and-above.2175062/
As a side note, you can customize most keyboard shortcuts in almost any application in the System Settings app, but Apple doesn't make this particularly obvious. Select "Keyboard" in the left bar, then click the "Keyboard Shortcuts..." button (middle-right on my screen), then select "App Shortcuts" on the left bar. Click the + button and you'll finally get the dialog that allows you to create a custom keyboard shortcut. As long as the app you're trying to control has a menu item for the command, even if it doesn't have a default keyboard shortcut, you can add a custom shortcut. Just type in the menu item exactly as it appears in the app. The caveat is that macOS limits the keys you can use as shortcuts -- you can't set Delete as a shortcut using this method, hence the Terminal command. However, both methods use the same underlying system. Once you've run the Terminal command above, you'll see your new Back shortcut appear in the "App Shortcuts" list.
Vlad https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/go-back-with-backspace/eekailopagacbcdloonjhbiecobagjci this extension enables the backspace key to go back except when writing text