What happened? How did it happen? What are the steps to replicate the issue.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Update Orion from version 0.99.122-beta to 0.99.125-beta.
  2. Type Invocation keywords (fbs) for bookmark (https://firebase.google.com).
  3. These is no search result.

What did you expect to happen? Describe the desired functionality.
Expected behavior:
The searched bookmark appears below the address bar.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)
macOS 10.15.7 Catalina


What version of Orion are you running?

    What happened? How did it happen? What are the steps to replicate the issue.
    Let's use YouTube as an example.

    On Firefox using bookmark keywords, I have the following:

    Bookmark name: YouTube Subscriptions
    Keyword: yt
    URL: https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions

    Bookmark name: YouTube search
    Keyword: yts
    URL: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%s

    What did you expect to happen? Describe the desired functionality.
    On Firefox, I can type only yt + [ENTER] and land on https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions. But in Orion, I always have type yt + [SPACEBAR] + [ENTER] for the bookmark keyword to be recognized by Orion.

    This requirement makes sense for my other example yts, where I am searching YouTube from Orion's URL bar. However, I frequently use Firefox bookmark keywords without a trailing space to directly open websites. Requiring a space after every bookmark keyword disrupts my workflow.

    Please create an exception can be implemented for bookmark keywords that link directly to sites, while retaining the space requirement for bookmark keyword searches.

    What version of Orion are you running?

    Related: https://orionfeedback.org/d/6333-invocation-keywords-not-working-on-version-099125-beta

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