Keyboard controls to fast forward, rewind, and pause.
It would be great if we could use the right and left arrow keys to fast forward and rewind, space bar to pause.

Button appears on video to enter PiP mode.
In Firefox you can have a "PiP button" appear when you mouse over a video playing, you can even have it show on the left or right side of a video. But this would a lot more convenient to enter PiP mode versus right clicking on the tab or going to the Menu bar for PiP. Keep all options but a PiP button showing up over the video (as an option to enable in settings) would be really nice.

Multiple PiP windows playing at the same time.
Being able to have more than 1 PiP playing at the same time. I know this might sound like over kill. But more options the better. I have a wide screen monitor. So it's common for me to have a podcast video playing and some YouTube ambient music video in the background. Or switching to a YouTube ambient music video and a news video. Or completely nerd overkill, YouTube, Netflix, and more YouTube lol. But yeah more options the better.

Place PiP window anywhere on the screen without holding the CMD key.
Right now you have to hold the CMD key down and move the PiP window where you want on your monitor. But if you move it without holding the CMD key it moves to the closest corner of your monitor.

Thanks šŸ™ !

  • eirk replied to this.

    Perfect suggestions! ā€“ Especially a button to enter PiP. Or better yet like Opera or Arc does it, have an option to automatically switch to PiP when switching tabs.

    Also please we need video controls. Right now we can only pause, which is veery limited.

    Lastly, I feel like CMD should be used to snap to window corners and make it free-form when moving without holding a modifier. Why? Because most times you want to move this window freely. It's a bit annoying having to reach for the cmd key every time you want to just move it a bit.

      As a rule of thumb we do not automatically inject HTML to web pages to alter them (which is how Firefox adds that button). Button feels like it should be a part of the video control, not something browser should aritficially create.

        Vlad Yeah I agree.

        What about the way Opera does it:

        It's an option to automatically pop out the window when you change tabs. It's so nice!

        Right now when you switch tabs, you gotta find the tab where the video is playing and right click ā†’ and select show PiP. It's a lot of steps for something that most times someone would always want when switching tabs.


          1. no, this is handled by webkit, not orion. see https://orionfeedback.org/d/2928-control-picture-in-picture-video-with-arrow-keys
          2. no. see https://orionfeedback.org/d/1369-picture-in-picture-mode-button (tldr, shortcut and menu item exist, don't want to inject unnecessary stuff into webpage)
          3. make a separate post for this
          4. no, this is handled by webkit, not orion. see https://orionfeedback.org/d/2540-move-pip-more-freely/6

          also please make one suggestion per post
          otherwise its really hard to track individual requests

            3 months later

            i agree with having automatic activation of PiP when switching tabs or macos spaces, atleast as an option, its really useful on arc

            also having video controls such as skip forwards / backwards 10 seconds would be good, but if its not in wekit's PiP then okay

              2 months later


              Would be a good idea to make a separate post for this if it doesn't exist. can see how it could be usefull

              2 months later
              Merged 8 posts from Picture in Picture, Add Features.
                3 months later

                I feel arc implements some of these features pretty well, but I believe it uses its own custom PiP implementation, as I don't think chromium comes with one.


                What i think it does well:

                • freely moveable window, but also can align to edges
                • forward/backwards
                • progress bar on bottom

                  eirk yeah Iā€™m a big fan of its implementation in Arc. my favourite feature is that PIP video triggers automatically as soon as you navigate to another tab

                  6 months later
                  eirk changed the title to Custom PIP implementation .

                    As of today, the PiP frame can only sit in one of the 4 corners of the screen.

                    I am wondering whether it would be possible to be able to drag the PiP to anywhere on the screen, a bit like this (this is Firefox's PiP feature)

                    • Vlad replied to this.

                      Vlad from what I have experienced in Safari, PiP cannot be moved at all, and is only limited to sitting in the bottom left corner of the screen. PiP in Safari is also not as often available as in Orion, which seems to provide this feature a lot more constantly.
                      For example, PiP in Twitch is not available/possible on Safari, but is available on Orion.

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        viewsourc3 I believe is PiP is managed by WebKit and this would probably be better made as a suggestion on WebKit issue tracker.

                          12 days later
                          2 months later

                          _I_ Thank you for this hidden feature.. Great..

                          • Vlad replied to this.

                            Vlad I've downloaded Orion Browser Beta for the first time. Just testing it on Youtube videos. Then i want to install Google Chrome picture-in-picture extension and i didnt work. Then i search this site for pip features and i found it.. Really instructive for me šŸ™‚
                            I want to say that Orion Browser is really good i love it..