Orion Desktop Feature Suggestions
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(Optionally) allow programmable buttons to access webextension APIs
- These are a great feature; and a perfect way to sidestep the weight (and security issues) of having a ton of tiny single-purpose browser-extensions from authors that you don't know. However, at the mo...
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WebExtension API coverage should be submitted/maintained in MDN's browser-compat-data database
- eirk replied
- This was suggested by the author of Tridactyl as a path towards getting more support from a variety of extension authors: This data is use...
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Installing popular extensions (e.g. 1Password) should provide helpful instructions for Orion-specific caveats
- Yannick replied
- The specific request here, from my part, is that if the browser had a first-class "here, you should install 1Password! It's well-supported!" button in a special part of its native interface (the "Popu...
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Feature Request: Media Controls in Vertical Tabs sidebar (similar to Arc/Zen)
- orionf33dback started
- Arc and Zen browser have this neat feature where when playing music or podcasts or video, etc (any AV), a little media player appears in the bottom left corner of the browser (in the vertical tab side...
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Enhancing Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese) (Texlex, Unicode) Input Support in the Orion Browser
- FuccNguyeen replied
- My feature aims to provide detailed feedback on the issue of losing Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese) input support in the Orion browser, specifically related to the Telex and Unicode input methods. Purpose of t...