
  • 17 days ago
  • Joined Feb 20, 2024
  • 8 discussions
  • 19 posts
  • 1 best answer
  • 28 points
  • As a follow-up to, still on the clean profile with Bitwarden installed, here is what I see in the Popular extensions screen and extensions list:

    And I clicked on "Update", and now I see:

    The "Installed" in the Popular Extensions list is back to "Get"!

    Side note: if I click on "Get", it reinstalls the old version.

    When an installed extension from the Popular Extensions is updated, it should still be shown as installed in the "Popular Extensions" screen.

    Version (WebKit 619.

    Sonoma (14)

    • Hello, I used a clean profile for this.

      Went to the popular extensions screen and installed Bitwarden.

      Now going to the list of installed extensions, I see this:

      "2023.7.1" seems pretty old, and is showing that the last version is currently 2024.4.2.

      I expect to get a recent version of Bitwarden (I have not tried the others but I think it also applies to them).

      Version (WebKit 619.

      Sonoma (14)

      • Vlad replied to this.
      • in tab overview, stuff like RSS, reader mode, etc, should not be visible.

        • Being used to Arc, I have enabled the Vertical Tabs option in Orion. I now expect to switch tabs using the shortcuts ⌥⌘↑ and ⌥⌘↓, however, I still have to use ⌥⌘← and ⌥⌘→, which I find quite unintuitive.

          I’m aware that there is also ⌃⇥ and ⌃⇧⇥ to show the next/previous tab. Since those are the ones appearing in the Window menu, I tried customizing them to ⌥⌘↑ and ⌥⌘↓ in the macOS settings, but this doesn’t work properly. It interferes with page scrolling, for example, when I hit ⌥⌘↓, the current page will scroll to the bottom.

          I see 3 options for addressing this issue:

          1. Allow both ⌥⌘← / ⌥⌘→ and ⌥⌘↑ / ⌥⌘↓ for tab switching, no matter if horizontal tabs or vertical tabs are enabled.
          2. Depending on whether horizontal or vertical tabs are enabled, only allow the respective pair (up/down for vertical tabs, left/right for horizontal tabs).
          3. Only fix the page scrolling problem outlined above, so users can customize the shortcuts to be ⌥⌘↑ / ⌥⌘↓.

          Options 1 and 2 are are preferred, as they will help users migrating from Arc without requiring further configuration.

          • new issue in this RC
            use vertical tabs

            open tabs.
            observe focusing is weird, like when you open a new tab, two tabs appear temporarily and one just fades away, leaving you with no focused tab indicator

            proper focusing of tabs

            Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

            Sonoma (14)

            • open a new tab and type something. observe missing padding

              if you were to unfocus the address bar and re-focus it, you will see it has normal padding.

              there should be padding.

              Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

              Sonoma (14)

              • Steps to reproduce:

                1. Visit
                2. Add username / password to Bitwarden
                3. Open Bitwarden and select just-added login for autofill
                4. Observe no values are inserted into username or password fields

                Bitwarden Version: 2024.4.1
                MacBook Air (macOS Sonoma 14.4 build 23E214)

                I expect the Bitwarden extention to autofill the login details in the username and password fields.


                Sonoma (14)

                • Steps to reproduce the issue:

                  1. Install Orion Version

                  2. Create a fresh profile

                  3. Go to

                  4. The front page is not displayed properly, see picture below

                  5. Enabling compatibility mode allows the website to be displayed correctly.

                  6. Disabling every list in the content blocker does not solve the issue.

                  7. Similarly manually applying all the changes done by enabling compatibility mode doesn't seem to do anything

                  8. Opening a direct video link, e.g.
                    causes the video to play as expected but the video description, comments etc. are not displayed:

                  Expected behavior:
                  Youtube works as expected on the current beta build and worked just fine on previous RC builds as well. This is the case even when the content blocker is enabled.

                  Orion and macOS versions:
                  Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                  Sonoma (14)

                  • Install bitwarden (using the one from "Popular Extensions"), login, then use the browser as usual, maybe do a few autofills?
                    Bitwarden will get slower over time, and memory usage will creep up also.

                    Here's an image of Bitwarden extension eating 3GB of RAM. On disabling and re-enabling, it returns back to normal, until another leak.

                    I can't test with latest Bitwarden because of this issue

                    Orion version

                    Sonoma (14)

                    • dino replied to this.
                    • Hello,

                      In the video, using a new clean profile:

                      • I opened 2 tabs and enabled the vertical tabs.
                      • I used the pinch to get the tabs view.
                      • I switch to another tab from the sidebar.
                      • I used the pinch again to get the tabs view.
                      • I try to click on the same tab => nothing happens.

                      I expect to exit the tab view and go back to my tab, like it does with the other tab.

                      Note: it works in Safari ersion 17.4.1 (19618.


                      Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                      Sonoma (14)

                      • RSS feed indicator in the address bar ( does not show up youtube's pages where feeds are available.

                        A couple examples:

                        I expected to see the RSS feed indicator in the address bar when browsing the given pages.

                        Version 0.99.127-beta (WebKit 619.1.1) Build date Mar 21 2024 MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey 12.7.4 build 21H1123)

                        Monterey (12)

                        • Vlad replied to this.
                        • Hello,

                          I regularly jump into the tabs view by mistake and I think 2 improvements would make my life easier:

                          • Having an easy way to go back to the last seen tab.
                          • Highlighting the last seen tab to identify it clearly.

                          To reproduce the "jump into the tabs view by mistake": scroll with weird fingers (maybe I am the issue haha).

                          I am adding a video when I am on a pinned tab, and the pinch brings me to a part of the tabs view where the tab I was not does not appear in the list:

                          About the keyboard shortcut:

                          1. Use weird fingers to accidently enter the tabs view.
                          2. Oops, that is not what I want.
                          3. Hit the keyboard shortcut (escape key?)
                          4. Back to the last tab, yeah!

                          About the highlighting of the last tab, here is my use case:

                          1. I have many tabs (in the video I have 5 pinned tabs and 10 standard tabs).
                          2. Do the pinch to enter the tabs view.
                          3. Oops, that is not what I want.
                          4. I can identify the tab I was on and click on it to get back to business.

                          These 2 improvements would help me (hopefully others too) a lot to exit the tabs view.

                          MacOS 14.4 (23E214), Orion RC Version (WebKit 619.1.1)


                          • Vlad replied to this.
                          • I have multiple pinned tabs. When I hover the last one, the darker background glitches with the previous pinned tab.

                            This quick video will show the issue:

                            The darker background matches the width of the pinned tab and doesn't try to spread to the one next to it.

                            Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                            Sonoma (14)

                            • Vlad replied to this.
                            • In (the website, not the extension), there is a "Open" button to open the selected link(s).

                              When I select multiple links in Firefox, all of them will be opened in new tabs. In Orion, only 1 tab is opened.

                              Here is an example (Firefox on top, Orion below):

                              I expect the same behaviour as I see in Firefox, multiple tabs open when I click "Open" with multiple links selected.


                              • I tried in compatibility mode, no effect.
                              • I tried with Safari Version 17.3.1 (19617., I get the same behaviour as Orion (so I am scared that this can't be fixed 😢).


                              Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                              Sonoma (14)

                              • I went to YouTube to watch the VALENTINE'S DAY STREAM by Marc Rebillet and started the Picture In Picture mode.

                                When the video is in one of the bottom corners, it looks great with a bit of margin:

                                When it is in one of the top corners, I think it is missing a bit of space at the top because it is adjacent to the menu bar:

                                I expect to have a bit more space between the menu bar and the video when it is as the top.

                                An option to configure the gap would be quite lovely.

                                Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                                Sonoma (14)

                                • Vlad replied to this.
                                • Hello!

                                  Long time Firefox user here.

                                  I use a custom monospace font from the Advanced font options:

                                  I would love to see more options to customize fonts in Orion! It will allow users to use a set of fonts of their choice (not just one) to display. I also note the checkbox "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above" which is quite interesting to give more choices to the users.

                                  I am using Orion Version (WebKit 619.1.1), here is the only font customization option I found under "Appearance":

                                  As shown in the previous paragraph, in Firefox these fonts options are "Advanced", I think it is a good idea to not bloat the Appearance settings with that.

                                  • Wion replied to this.
                                  • Steps to reproduce:

                                    1. Open two Start Page tabs
                                    2. Attempt to switch between them by switing the address bar
                                    3. Observe stuttering animations and occasionally some flashing white

                                    Expected result:
                                    Switching between two tabs of any kind should be smooth.
                                    Currently switching between two tabs of any website works as expected but the poor performance starts once Start Pages are added into the mix.
                                    an example of smooth tab switching:

                                    Orion version:
                                    1.3.7 (15) WebKit 8617.

                                    iOS version:

                                    • Vlad replied to this.
                                    • The suggestion is simple: Support the recently introduced passkeys.

                                      There is already a discussion of WebAuthn, here:


                                      Moreover, the passkey feature is really WebAuthn under the hood, as far as I understand. So perhaps this feature suggestion should be merged with the above. But on the other hand, passkey usage seems sufficiently different from using a hardware token supporting WebAuthn to merit its own discussion.

                                      Edit: I see this got tagged Desktop. I intended this suggestion to cover both desktop and iphone/ipad, but the web interface got the better of me.

                                      Edit 2: I now see where I missed a rather obvious button. Apparently there is no way to make a suggestion for both categories at the same time.

                                      • Vlad replied to this.
                                      • A universal shortcut (Cmd + Shift + P is the muscle memory one from programs like VS Code) that brings up relevant actions based on what is happening. This does a couple of things:

                                        1. Allows a fully keyboard-centric workflow, even without needing to learn keyboard shortcuts.
                                        2. It allows the GUI to stay minimal and clutter-free as a lot of actions can be triggered via the command palette instead of needing to create buttons. Buttons can follow down the line if needed (this makes it faster to test new features).
                                        3. (Subjective) It is faster to navigate an application this way than via buttons.

                                        A simple command palette would be great. A more sophisticated one would be even better! E.g. surfacing each users most used actions as auto-suggestions before anything is typed, allowing keyboard shortcuts to be seen and edited within the command palette itself etc.

                                        • Vlad replied to this.
                                        • Steps to reproduce:
                                          Open Orion and browse, leave it open for days, quit and relaunch.

                                          Expected behavior:
                                          uBlock Origin should autoupdate to the latest version but does not (both from Firefox and Chrome store). I have to uninstall and then reinstall it. It's my only extension which the developer updates frequently, so I can't tell if other extensions are affected (Simple Translate, e.g.)

                                          Orion and macOS:
                                          Orion (Webkit 613.1.10)
                                          Mojave 10.14.6 (18G9323)


                                          • Vlad replied to this.