<Use a descriptive title! This is what most users will see before upvoting your suggestion. Then, describe your suggestion in detail, including how should it be implemented in Orion and what your expectation is. If relevant, upload screenshots/videos examples for the feature from other browsers.>

This is one feature that I will consider move to Orion

The idea is from Arc browser, that you can save a tab into a named folder or subfolders. You can close the tab, however the tab in the folder will still remain just as bookmark. This is a great way to organise common used links without locating the bookmarks

Space is also a concept in Arc. You could use space to cross cut the collections of links that you will use and immerse yourself in it.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    stephencoz It is not clear what the suggestion is. Starting from current Orion functionality, what would you change in the interface to accomodate the desired feature? PLease be descriptive and do not assume we are familiar with how other browsers do it.

      2 years later
      Merged 3 posts from Space and Tab folder and always pinned tabs in folder.

        would it be possible to have separate dividers/sections on the vertical bar

        it would be neat to have one for instant messaging, notes, etc

          We can potentially separate nested tabs to begin with?

            3 years later
            Merged 3 posts from Dividers/sections on vertical bar.
              25 days later

              @Vlad Is there any update on this? Looks like positive signs until about 1 year ago but radio silence since.
              This is the single most helpful feature in ARC and the lack of it prevents me from switching to Orion.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                GSinIL Planned for later time as we want to focus on stability vs new features. You can simulate folders with the bookmarklet trick for now.

                  Vlad This is very good concept. I just really hope this gets implemented soon. This adds TREMENDOUS amounts to productivity for my work!

                  It is to this merrit, that I will have to use Arc for the time until this gets implemented in Orion Browser, as I have A LOT of folders saved for references and work.

                  Looking forward to this feature!

                  • dt likes this.
                  19 days later

                  Vlad Does this bookmarklet trick survive an Orion restart for you? Its a great workaround but I would need folders that stay until closed. Either way happy to wait while the team focuses on stability.

                  • dt likes this.

                  Nevermind, I’ve found a hacky persistent workaround. Create a bunch of html files that only set the page title to what you want your folder name to be then open them locally in Orion and move your tabs under those “sites”.

                    3 months later
                    a month later

                    Really want this to be a thing!! When switching from Arc, this is the biggest thing i've missed!

                      17 days later

                      I've created a Shortcut for this.

                      First, create a folder with the following inside:




                      Install this shortcut and edit the note at the top to the path of your folder containing those files above:

                      To create a "new folder", just run the shortcut and enter your desired name and it'll open in Orion. I personally use Raycast to run shortcuts quickly, I think you should be able to do the same with Spotlight. They'll be stored as .html files in the same directory as the other files.

                      There's a bug in Orion where it doesn't show locally stored images as favicons, so you should probably upload your chosen folder images somewhere and change the html so it points to that/those url(s) instead. I don't want to encourage hot-linking to my uploads above!

                      The ones I made are from SF Symbols and the same colours Apple uses in Finder. The html's background colours (in light and dark) match Orion's colours. But of course, you can change the html (and icons) to your own tastes.

                        5 days later

                        Vlad hi! this looks great! is there any update on the rollout of this?

                          9 days later

                          Looking back at the amazing UI/UX proposal Vlad shared back in 2023 it makes me sad to see this still open and the likely implication that it probably just won't ever happen.

                            sarno I have and as someone working full time on comparably sized software projects his response is pretty much the equivalent of "that point is noted but won't likely appear on any roadmap for years". The umbrella response "we want to focus on stability and performance for now" is just a convenient way of phrasing it. You can always focus on performance and stability withouth ever finishing that goal 100% 😉