
  • 9 hours ago
  • Joined Oct 27, 2024
  • 3 discussions
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  • 20 points
  • laiz Currently, to my knowledge, Orion's Popular Extensions are not automatically updated, as that could lead to them breaking, resulting in a poor experience.

    Once they're installed, I would assume they'd respect the Automatic updates setting;

    I cannot remember whether that being enabled is the default for Kagi or something I changed - however, it's certainly the default in most web browsers, and as far as I'm aware I don't have a single friend who chooses to manually monitor each of their extensions, check for issues after an update, and only then update them manually. I would assume that setting being enabled would be the default by the time 1.0 is released, if it isn't already.

    laiz Regarding mirroring the extensions and throttling the releases, I could see there being some potential license issues or other legal gray areas — are there any other browsers that do something similar?

    You're right; I hadn't really stopped to look at the different licenses used by popular extensions!

    There's ways around that, though.

    The team could maintain a known good version for each popular extension, have Orion poll for that periodically, and only update a 'Popular Extension' if the update wouldn't take it above the version vetted by the team. I can't imagine any legal issues could possibly ensue from them storing an extension name & version number.

    • In Orion > Settings > Websites are Content Blockers enabled or disabled?

      In Orion > Settings > Privacy, what is Remove trackers from URLs set to?

      • As I've joined the Orion community and started frequenting its forum, one thing that has come to my attention more and more is the apparent cycle of Example Extension Gets Updated --> Example Extension Ceases to Work Correctly in Orion --> The Community Complains --> Kagi Update Orion.

        The company currently promote certain extensions as "Popular Extensions" right within Orion;

        Inside is a relatively modest collection of extensions with (presumably) a large number of users - including some password managers, such as Proton Pass (which I use), and 1Password (which it seems literally every other living person on the forum is currently using... #NotBitter).

        I think it's a poor user experience if the browser essentially promotes an extension to you, you install it, and either it never works properly or it silently breaks the next time the extension's author pushes an update. It's one thing if a relatively indie tech company makes a browser, says they'll try to support all Firefox & Chrome extensions, and occasionally there's breakages. But when they have specifically promoted an extension to you themselves, and then that breaks..? It's just a bad look.

        So my thinking is that only for a select few browser extensions that are widely used in the Orion userbase, Kagi could have Orion not automatically update those extensions until the update has been tested internally by the team, and / or has been tested by those using RC builds of Orion. If an extension is flagged as a "Popular Extension", Kagi's servers could maintain a list of their names & version numbers - only performing an automatic update for that extension if it wouldn't lead to a higher version number than the one vetted by Kagi.

        I have to give a lot of credit to @laiz for testing my suggestion and forcing me to iterate upon it! One of the things laiz brought to my attention is the question of whether Orion, by default, automatically updates extensions. I'm assuming it will by v1.0 if it isn't already - and it's a setting many will turn on in any case.

        • nrudnyk I've just tried email verification codes as well as 2FA and wasn't able to reproduce the issue

          My reading of the OP gave me the impression they were talking about SMS-based 2FA.

          I think Google requires phone number verification as part of their sign up process these days - maybe try that?

          • Great suggestion that’s well explained.

            Updooted. 👍

            • Celixer the order of the URLs/Website in the Bookmarks folders isn't respected on the iPad and iOS versions of Orion

              Ideally each distinct bug would be posted in a different thread so that the team can more easily track them.

            • KaptainCnuckz It’s on the list of things they’d love to do some day.

              Linux was comparatively low-hanging fruit for a WebKit-based browser. If they want to stick with WebKit across all versions of Orion, then Windows would constitute at least an order of magnitude more work.

              • Terrance Personally if the team's going to act on this, I think I'd prefer the toggle being replaced with a dropdown. Someing along the lines of "In the address bar show:" [Domain Name] [Start of URL] [End of URL]

                Would you be in favour of that, or would you prefer two distinct settings?

                If they have to add a second toggle instead, I would be inclined to argue vehemently in favour of the default being to show the end of the URL. I believe the goal should be to optimise so that the fewest number of changes are made by the average person. I have to assume that a majority of people who go looking for & change such a setting are looking to more significantly change what the address bar will display to them.

                Or, in other words;

                Show Full URLs: [Off] [On]
                Show Start of URL: [Off] [On]

                (bold = default)

                edit: Well, initially I think the goal should be to have the default represent a 'safe' and sensible set of behaviours for the average, not particularly tech savvy person. But once we're past that and the user is making changes, then I think optimising to (on average) reduce the number of changes needing to be made should be the goal.

                I hope that makes sense. I have a headache and I don't think I'm expressing myself very well. Sorry.

                • I use Orion on my iPhone.

                  The default behaviour is to show only the domain (and subdomain, if applicable) in the address bar.

                  The non-default option of showing the full URL can, logically, do one of two things - it can essentially change nothing and maybe just expose "https://" at the beginning, or it can favour the end of long URLs.

                  I am going to be candid. The hypothetical user in question not only has an option available for them, but even has the privilege of that option being the default behaviour. If they change the setting to something that is not what they want, I am not sure it is worth the team trying to cater to them. There comes a point when the onus is on the user to act as a rational actor and make the best decisions possible for their situation & preferences.

                  Terrance Yeah, but what’s the point of seeing the entire URL?

                  I have Show Full URLs enabled on my iPhone. I regularly have multiple browser tabs open on different threads on the same forum, and seeing the thread title is a lot more informative than seeing in every single tab. If someone doesn't want to see the entire URL, they probably shouldn't enable that setting.

                  • Terrance However, the full URL only shows the URL’s ending if it’s too long.

                    I mean, you can tap on it to view the start...

                    Obviously if it's too long to fit, Orion's not going to be able to show all of it.

                    • Destroyer Bonjour settings persist if I open new tab by clicking on the extension in the menu bar. But when opening new tab it doesn't

                      This is exactly how Momentum works for me! Thanks for letting me know - I hadn't thought of trying that!

                      Orion (WebKit 621. / macOS Sequoia 15.2 build 24C101

                    • How are you muting the tab, exactly?

                      • Just tried to reproduce on Version (WebKit 621.; macOS Sequoia 15.2 build 24C101.

                        Not able to. Each time I closed the browser, I made sure the currently selected tab was a fairly arbitrary GitHub page. I set the programmable button to Just in the spirit of testing, I tried setting the button to

                        I'm quite sleep-deprived so it's possible I'm doing something wrong - but each time, Orion opens an Assistant page with me logged in and the Assistant ready to accept input from me.

                        • Yannick We’re going to have to start referring to that as “doing a Yannick”… ❤️

                        • KarlWild There are many things on Windows which are better than macOS, so why not improve.

                          Having read @Vlad’s comment, I’d interpret their position as being an argument in favour of consistency rather than an argument in favour of the status quo - that is to say, if Apple changed their guidelines, Orion would be updated accordingly. All apps functioning that way might be an improvement (and I’m not saying it would be), but apps randomly and unpredictably just doing whatever almost certainly would not be.

                          So Vlad isn’t necessarily disagreeing with what you said, thus your argument is unlikely to sway him. You would need to argue that you believe it would be such a significant improvement, it would outweigh the non-native behaviour which is likely to come as a surprise to those familiar with the platform and how apps behave on it.

                          I’m inclined not to share that opinion. Those who prefer the way things operate on Windows are likely to be using Windows, so it comes across as a little arrogant to suggest that the Windows way of doing things should be ported over to other platforms where - presumably - the users there are there because of how it differs from Windows.

                          That macOS differentiates between quitting an app and closing a window is a prominent reason I have come to prefer the OS. For example, there are performance implications to opening a window belonging to an already running application compared to the OS needing to start running the program prior to opening a window. It’s just a different workflow - and I would argue vehemently about my preferences being imposed upon you in Windows, so I really do wish you would respect my own preferences in turn and not try to force yours upon me in macOS.

                          • It’d be a huge QoL improvement if Kagi reported how many tabs are in each tab group.

                            e.g. in the list “Tax” would be “Tax (3)”

                            • Yannick Works for me

                              What platform is that screenshot from?

                              OP tagged the thread as ‘Mobile’ and talks about “small screens.”

                              • Prototype317 on the sun alone you should have blocked tens, maybe hundreds of scripts. Since install it claims to have blocked 8. Are you sure it’s working?

                                The Sun was the first website I went to since uninstalling the App Store version of Orion and installing the TestFlight version, so it having a near-zero number of lifetime blocks does make sense.

                                Prototype317 Also, Privacy Badger is made redundant by uBo and they are not recommended to be installed together by the uBo dev (but that’s a separate issue).

                                If your priority is to combat tracking / fingerprinting as much as possible, sure.

                                If your priority is blocking the largest possible number of annoyances with the least tweaking, PB helps.

                                It's a similar conversation to using both DNS-level & browser extension ad blockers. The result is a less common combination of scripts being blocked, but fewer ads getting through. For some people that's a disaster and not at all worth it; for others, it's a demonstrable improvement with a trade-off they're prepared to accept.

                                I'm sure it's possible to fully reproduce PB's behaviour in uBO. It's not done by default, and tbh I cba.

                                • Ah, okay, sorry - if it's a beta build (the version threw me off) then it's not the issue I was thinking of.