Vlad oh, it is not like that anymore, it was like that in MacOS Lion, and not any more, sorry, I just prefer the style of Lion.

2 years later
Merged 11 posts from Dark red theme for Orions Default Chrome.

    (This feature might already be implemented as part of the "Profiles like Chromium browsers" thread, but I cannot find out how to access the setting.)

    Is it possible to change the color of the toolbar (top bar that includes tab, search bar, and toolbar buttons) to a custom accent color in order to more easily distinguish between profiles? The icon to the left of the search bar is great, but having the option to color the entire toolbar would be even better.

    Maybe further down the line, Orion can add support for/implement custom user-submitted themes like Chrome and Firefox have, but that's a discussion for another day.

      "Profiles like Chromium browsers" has not been implemented yet btw

        Merged 3 posts from Colored toolbars to distinguish profiles.

          I have to test sites on all browsers and right now, the window looks TOO much like Safari and I'd like to be able to theme the frame in any way - color would be great so I can find it amongst other windows.

            thebigdog thought I would suggest a possible work around…

            Is it noticeable enough between the two browsers if you have, let's say, Safari set in Dark Mode and Orion set in Light Mode?

            I believe Orion would have to be set to the opposite mode that is selected in the macOS System preferences in General under Appearance.
            ex. If macOS is in dark mode, then Orion would have to be set to light mode.

            9 months later
            Merged 3 posts from Able to add color to window frame to differentiate it from Safari.

              Brief Summary
              I would love for Orion to add support for the theme-color <meta> tag. This will allow Orion to pick the color for the browser window based on the design of the website and improve user experience. Safari already supports this.

                Merged 2 posts from Add support for theme-color <meta> tag .
                  16 days later

                  tverweij I would also like for Orion to match Safari's use of the theme-color <meta> tag. As an example, this screenshot shots Orion on the left, Safari on the right when using ProtonMail.

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    Hi Vlad,

                    you always link to your proposal above with "fixed/static" color. In context menu there is no "dynamic" option based on the theme-color <meta> tag, that color changes automatically to the color given in meta tag. This is what users are requesting, not having title bar always be in same custom color, they want it dynamically. If i am not wrong, if there is not meta tag given, Safari is guessing the color for tinting.

                    • Vlad replied to this.

                      tom The "Allow website theme tinting" option in the screenshot is meant to address that. Perhaps it should be renamed?

                      Then it should be more clear:
                      it should be a select menu with choices:

                      • Allow website tinting
                      • Custom color

                      also, disable the theme stuff if "allow website tinting" is selected