eirk @Vlad could the default behavior just be like this instead? and then you would be able to shrink the width to just the size of website favicons, as there are no traffic lights in the way anymore

  • Vlad replied to this.

    olivec Expand on hover is not considered a good UX on Mac. AFAIK no native app does this.

      eirk No because this kills tree-style tabs.

      ForumNinja404 there are no tree style tabs possible with this as there is no room. Everything is flattened.

        Vlad Just wondering what the implementation of sound indicator looks like with this view? My take is it either gets removed completely or the indicator gets it's own altered miniview. Here's me experimenting with what that looks like, but I can't say there's an obvious one that stands out as the best to me.

          Vlad Just noticed this, maybe the tabs button at the top should retain its outer border or spacing or some other visual element to distinguish it from the other open tabs.

            Vlad Well, I know y'all are a native Mac app and trying to respect the design paradigm, but if I agreed with all of Apple's design decisions I would just use Safari. Hover is perfect if I want to just quickly check what my icons are representing. Without Hover, I would need to do an absurd number of mouse actions to accomplish the same thing:

            • Move mouse to the column
            • Find the column edge
            • Click and hold
            • Drag to the right
            • Drag back to the left


            • Mouse over the column
            • Mouse away from the column

            Maybe a compromise would be Expand on Hover (only if Option is held)?

            • Vlad replied to this.


              but if I agreed with all of Apple's design decisions I would just use Safari.

              Orion respects HIG like Safari, but also has a lot of features that Safari lacks because it is clear that for Apple web is not a first grade citizen (apps are).

                olivec Btw double click the sidebar edge will toggle between the two widths.

                  ForumNinja404 I agree it looks cool, but the tough part about that is the click to mute feature - What would you click, and what would the muted version look like? At least for the other ones (with the speaker icon) it's straightforward in that you click the little speaker and the muted speaker icon remains the same as normal tabs.

                    2 months later

                    Vlad Isn't the mac setting to show/expand dock on hover an example of it being used? It's also present in Stage Manager, where if your window takes the entire screen you need to hover your mouse close to the left edge to reveal it.

                    i use the side bar a lot, however, at it's smallest it still takes up a lot of space, what i would like is a feature to be able to turn the side bar into just icons, removing the text, which would look something like vivaldi's tool bar.

                    Merged 2 posts from Be able to resize/turn the sidebar into just icons.
                      6 months later

                      At it's minmum width, the vertical tab bar is about twice as wide as it needs to be. Traffic lights could be in the top bar, and then the vertical tab bar can be compressed in width much futher.

                        The drop-down arrow for the window selector could be moved from the right, to below the icon.

                          Yes, I'd also love a slim approach to this issue similar to e.g. Brave.

                            Merged 4 posts from Allow Vertical Tab Bar to be compressed even smaller in width..
                              4 days later

                              We further reduced the width of sidebar in the latest RC