Merged 4 posts from Option to mimic Safari navigation bar UI: colors + inline tabs.
    4 days later

    Put me down as another "Safari got it right". I'll Orion+ shortly either way, but, I wish it was mimicking Safari.

    I can understand how the jumpy bar seems inconsistant. Relative to the window, sure, it's inconsistant.

    I'll submit relative to the tab it's an impressively intuitive design. It wins on that tradeoff.

    Sometimes, wisdom is knowing when to not do what you do elsewhere. I think Apple made the right call.

    a month later

    I use Safari and Orion regularly for comparison. I find myself gravitating back to Safari for the more compact tab structure and colored tab. I really hope this gets implemented.

    a month later

    Yes, this sticks out to me, coming from Safari. I find it interesting to see how Safari resolves having the sidebar too.

      a month later

      this very lengthly 3 year request still hasnt been implemented?

        17 days later

        Vlad Looking good, one small note, It would look better and help differentiate the tabs a bit better if they had a slightly darker shade to the rest of the tool bar rather than just a border outline around the tabs. This would make it more similar to the safari style compact tab design.

        And can't tell from the screenshots, will the active tab make the toolbar take on the accent colour like in Safari?

        Again, looking great for a first version.

        Oh thank you @Vlad. I'd been checking on this weekly for two years now! It's finally time! Please do release the present version, before tinkering it in response to user feedback in future versions. Looking forward to the release!

          Showing live footage from current dev build. Pinned tabs visible to the left of address bar.

          Also showcasing "Mini toolbar" mode which further reduces the height of compact tabs.

          Vlad Been following this thread for probably a good year. Compact tabs has been the only thing keeping me from switching over, can't wait!

            4 days later

            One initial feedback, works great so far and animation is smooth but could the text in the address bar be centred?
            Right now it is towards the left as shown in screenshot below

            Additional note, the alignment of the address text is not consistent with different tabs either, examples below:

              I can't tell if this is intentional or not? The most-left-hand bar seems to be the tab that you've selected, but the end result seems to be having the same website take up two spaces instead of one? If this is intentional, could there be a toggle to turn it off?

              It makes the tab switching/management feel really unnatural as well imo.

                oup_oup_andaway Sure please create a new bug report and a video how to get there (I can not reproduce)

                  Trifocals3302 There is address bar and the tabs, same as with normal tabs. Everything is just made compact in a single row.

                    Trifocals3302 Not sure what do you mean? The address bar is smaller then in horizontal tabs mode.