Vlad Been following this thread for probably a good year. Compact tabs has been the only thing keeping me from switching over, can't wait!

    4 days later

    One initial feedback, works great so far and animation is smooth but could the text in the address bar be centred?
    Right now it is towards the left as shown in screenshot below

    Additional note, the alignment of the address text is not consistent with different tabs either, examples below:

      I can't tell if this is intentional or not? The most-left-hand bar seems to be the tab that you've selected, but the end result seems to be having the same website take up two spaces instead of one? If this is intentional, could there be a toggle to turn it off?

      It makes the tab switching/management feel really unnatural as well imo.

        oup_oup_andaway Sure please create a new bug report and a video how to get there (I can not reproduce)

          Trifocals3302 There is address bar and the tabs, same as with normal tabs. Everything is just made compact in a single row.

            Trifocals3302 Not sure what do you mean? The address bar is smaller then in horizontal tabs mode.

              5 days later

              B4ND1T I agree with this sentiment as well.

              Reading this thread I've felt most people who are asking for compact tabs are looking for Safari's implementation, "jumpy" address bar included. Others can still easily use the standard or vertical views.

              The version with the static address bar is completely unusable for my workflow, as I already tend to remove every icon in Safari's compact tab bar, for maximum visible tabs. This is the only thing keeping me from using Orion.

                [unknown] It is a separate feature that requires probably another week or two of development.

                Vlad 94 pages of people saying the words "only" or "thing" or "only thing".

                It is a marvel however that different people have different preferences in how they want things to work. You cannot run a product like this where you want as large a userbase as possible and as many people to give you money as possible if you aren't willing to indulge invidivual preferences.

                This attitude you seem to have towards a lot of issues like this is NOT the only thing keeping me from using Orion day to day.

                  I think this is fine. I won't use it, but it's fine.

                  It's the same reason I didn't use IE9. It's not user friendly and make me have to look in two different places to confirm which tab is which URL. It's exhausting and takes up too much space.

                  At the end of the day, we're 330 posts deep, and there's a universal consensus across users in terms of what your users, the users of Orion, would like to see.

                  Now, as a designer, I live by the phrase "The User Is Always Wrong", but in this case, they're asking for an interaction that they have experienced, enjoyed, and are comfortable with, as opposed to some amorphic feature with vague verbiage.

                  Vlad, you've created a great product. I love it, I really do. And I applaud the team for attempting to reinvent the wheel here and take a risk on improving the experience.

                  I think there's just a point where either the community needs to concede that its not going to get what it is looking for here in terms of compact tabs.

                  I'm sure there's a path forward to make a better compact tabs experience than Apple did, but IE9s implementation still feels the same as it did back then.

                  It is interesting that most feedback about the implementation from the users on the forum has been negative, and most feedback from the users on Discord has been positive.

                  Since tastes are different we were approaching this from first principles perspective, trying to create the best UX for the users (it is all about productivity at the end). I will also copy my message from Discord for anyone who is ready to give this a chance and come to it open minded. Remember, nothing is set in stone and this will be incremental process and finetuning as more people start actually using this.

                  11 days later

                  We made some final adjustments (anchored the address bar to the left) and are finally ready to ship compact tabs in Orion beta tomorrow.

                  Personally I quite like how this feels to use, it has been a defaut mode of using Orion on my M3 Air 13", and I hope you will like it too!

                  We even went a step above and added a "Mini toolbar" mode which makes everything a bit more compact for extra vertical space savings.

                  The impletation of the compact tabs is really nice.
                  Finally, after using Safari from time to time and reading a lot of this thread, I agree that Safari compact tabs is nice to the eye but unpratical. I'm glad you didn't copy paste but thought a lot about UX to gave us a pleasant looking experience but in a smart way before eveything else.
                  Well done!