Pluto I too have a Macbook Pro M1 13" and view the compact tab option as superior to everything. I even use Safari occasionally for reading some websites because Orion has too much vertical estate used, and not that mainly but just the fact that there isn't iCLoud bookmark syncing.

    Only the current tab has to look like the active tab, the other tabs can remain looking like their previous selves except that now they are in the toolbar looking like… gigantic buttons?


      The Firefox (ver. 88) compact mode is 60 pixels (iirc). We could shave pixels from above and below the address field. The address bar in Orion is 51 pixels in height, while the address field is 25 px. The tab bar could be correspondingly reduced ( maintaining aesthetic proportions? )
      It seems to me that reducing the address bar height is the first step. An address bar height of 31 or 33 pixels saves 20 px by itself without making any other changes.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Pluto That does not look like Orion is in Compact mode?

          Vlad my bad. I did not realise that in Orion there is already a "use compact size". That already saves a lot of address bar vertical space and looks fine.
          Maybe, reduce the tab bar height by few pixels in 'compact size'?

          • Vlad replied to this.

            I did not get your question. Comparison to Firefox?

            After discovering 'compact size' option, I am quite happy with the current state of the address bar height. Possible improvement could be reducing the tab bar height a bit when using compact size option.
            Right now it looks to me that when a user in Orion chooses the compact option, the address bar gets reduced, while the tab bar stays the same height.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              Pluto I meant Orion compact size vs Firefox compact size screenshot.

              What can we do to make this feature more discoverable?

                IMO this could be an additional option in Preferences > Appearance

                • Vlad replied to this.

                  A comparison between Orion compact and Firefox (v. 88) compact with address bar and tab bar.

                    Vlad Yes, it is with respect to Safari.

                      For what it's worth, I really like Safari's new compact tab design. I would like to see it in Orion personally, but I can understand that the vast majority don't. For me it's not really about the pixel count, but just more on how it feels; it just blends into the web content and is practically invisible until you need it.

                      Yes it's the feel, not really the pixel count for me as well.

                        Just want to point out that I use the compact size toolbar in Orion and I love it. More options for those who want to customize Orion are welcome but I don’t think the changes should supplant the current two-row compact design which I think is just the right size (i.e. any shorter would feel too cramped).

                          Vlad The tab bar height is standard for all native mac apps. I’m afraid altering it will make Orion look out of place as that goes against macOS UI convention. In my opinion, Firefox is not a good reference for designing a mac app (quite the opposite, actually). My suggestion is to make the change optional so those who want extreme reduction in vertical UI pixels have the choice to do so. I’m aware that too many options can lead to undesired complexity so it may be necessary to find a middle ground via experimentation.

                            adorabilis I agree. That is why I would rather have a simple compact tab bar just like how it is done in Safari 15…

                              Arguably, you can remove the top and bottom areas highlighted in red as an option for a single very compact tab