I love how simple the browser settings are, but one thing I miss from both Firefox and Chrome is the ability to really fine-tweak specific settings and values, like you can do with about:config or chrome://flags.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the UIs. I do like iTerm2's way of handling things, which I think would fit the Orion design language as well.

Some things I'd like to change that I don't think should necessarily be shown to the user as part of the normal "settings":

  • Low Power Mode
    • Changing the "timeout"
    • Changing the quantity of tabs to keep alive
  • Disable animations
  • Changing download location
  • Experimental features (the menu drop-down is not exactly cutting it)
5 months later

I was about to create a feature suggestion for an about:config type additional settings page.

Having an advanced tab seems reasonable, but even an implementation like Firefox where it is separate from the normal settings and displays a warning about possibly messing things up should work as well.

The setting I would like to have is:

  • Open external links in a private window - boolean


  • Open external links in - dropdown
    • new tab
    • new window
    • new private window

    bluedaisy Having an advanced tab seems reasonable, but even an implementation like Firefox where it is separate from the normal settings and displays a warning about possibly messing things up should work as well.

    I think simply having a "Display advanced settings" checkbox in the general settings tab, under the Orion updates section would suffice. Enabling this checkbox would give the user a popup, warning the user of messing with advanced settings, and would give the user access to a new "Advanced" tab within the preferences menu.

      19 days later

      JunkBrunstoe The UI is not the problem it is coming up with meaningful advanced features.

      WHen this thread hits 30 of those we'll move it to "Planned'.

      Bonus points for scouring this forum and finding setting requests that where previously turned down because being too niche.


        2 months later

        Would need to change session timeout. So vote for this 🙂

        6 months later

        I would love to be able to configure the browser's native PDF reader. I vote for that!

          Merged 6 posts from Advanced Configuration Editor.

            Vlad do all the experimental features count towards that? :p

              22 days later

              Brief Summary
              <What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?>
              Orion://flags just like chrome://flags but different settings also themes also most of all more extension support

              <What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?>

              <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

                Merged 2 posts from Orion://flags.

                  I mean for iOS can you add that? Or tell me the url

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    Chrome Firefox about://config is the same just different url i think safari for pc that’s all I know

                      The video was on chrome

                        Ajajj I think you'll need to be more specific about what features you're hoping the iOS/iPad version of Orion could offer, since "different settings also themes" is a bit vague. If you can list some specific examples of flags you'd like that would surely help the Orion team respond to your request.

                        I also don't understand what "more extension support" being managed under flags would involve; it seems like either Orion would support or not support an extension API or not. I can't see any reason to make the user have to manually change internal Orion settings to enable support for an extension – any extensions Orion has the API support for should Just Work™ when installed, so if you can be more specific about that part of your request too that would help clarify things.

                          adamaveray stuff like force dark mode on website or inspect element or themes or just developer tools in general like chrome something’s like that and costume themes would be cool

                            Ajajj oh also by more extension support I mean on mobile on iOS download Shimeji extension it doesn’t work but on my android another browser like Orion I have works with the extension but the screen is not big enough so that’s why I’m using iOS but Orion doesn’t support the extension I guess