So Proton has released their Proton Pass password manager. I really like to use it but it seems it doesn't work whenever I want to login. Is there a fix to this?

    10 days later

    The Chrome extension doesn't work either. I wondered if the extension would only work with Chrome or Firefox but I found it works with Arc browser. So don’t think the extension itself is restricting browsers.

      21 days later
      5 days later
      24 days later
      9 days later

      Thanks for the update, Vlad.
      The extension now allows the user to login quite nicely but I've noticed that the autofill feature is not present when clicking on an email or password field. Also if the user tries to open the Proton Pass extension settings the following error pops up The operation couldn't be completed.
      (Orion_RC.SchemeHandlerError error 2.)

      16 days later

      I have found a couple of minor issues:

      Extension Icon on email or password field misbehaving

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Install Proton Pass Firefox extension in Orion RC browser

      2. Navigate to a website with login fields

      3. Click the Proton Pass extension icon on an email or password field

      4. Observe that sometimes the icon does not respond and the PIN unlock field does not appear

      5. When the PIN field does appear, notice that it is not automatically focused for typing and you have to manually click on it

      Expected Behavior:

      • The Proton Pass extension icon should open the PIN unlock field when clicked on an email or password field.

      • The PIN unlock field should be automatically focused so the PIN can be typed right away.

      Actual Behavior:

      • Sometimes the extension icon does not respond when clicked. The page needs to be reloaded to get it to work.

      • When the PIN field appears, it is not automatically focused and you have to manually click on it before typing the PIN.

      System Information:

      • Orion RC Version: (WebKit 617.1.6)
      • Build date: Sep 27 2023
      • Hardware: MacBook Pro M1 Pro
      • OS: macOS Sonoma 14.1 beta build 23B5046f
      • Proton Pass Firefox extension latest version (1.5.4)

      Video demonstrating the issues is attached.

      9 days later
      7 days later

      After upgrading to OrionRC (and using the beta as well), I often (1) see no Proton Pass button to autofill user name/pwd (I'd say this fails 60-70% of the time) and (2) when needing to create a new user id/pwd if often fails to call up Proton Pass and (3) when #2 does work it often asks me to choose between Proton Pass or Keychain (I suspect this is the native Orion Keychain as I have turned-off MacOS keychain in System Settings?)

      Same for me with last version of Orion (Version 0.99.125-beta) , autofill works 70% of the time (not for websites like github, microsoft), however opening the extension just shows a broken screen (image below)
      The buttons do nothing

        Try to update the Proton Pass Extension from the Firefox Add On page

          @Maxpl01t I tried reinstalling the extension, did no good unfortunately

            Valiu The support of this is in OrionRC, not yet in beta.