Brief Summary
As a horizontal tabs and non-Apple mouse user, I want the ability to scroll the horizontal overflow tab bar using my vertical mouse scrollwheel. I am aware shift + vertical scroll equals horizontal scroll in macOS but I want my vertical scroll movement to be translated into horizontal scroll while the cursor is on the tab bar.

This is the behaviour in Firefox and it makes navigating tabs a lot more frictionless.

I want the same behaviour in Orion. Without this feature, scrolling tabs is a pain because I am required to hold down the shift key.

I prefer showing website titles in tabs so my tabs overflow easily.

P.S. I made the same suggestion in https://orionfeedback.org/d/3526-allow-scrolling-through-horizontal-tabs-without-shift-key which was closed due to insufficient clarity. Please use this post instead.

    a month later
    a year later

    @Vlad can this vertical scrolling feature be expanded to the trackpad? I would like to scroll through the tabs vertically not only with my mouse, but also with the in-built trackpad. Both Firefox and VS Code do so. Should I create a separate issue for this feature request?

      mksoska Given that you can already scroll through the tabs using the trackpad by scrolling horizontally, adding the ability to do that vertically seems less intuitive and unnecessary.

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