Allow users to configure keyboard shortcuts
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Provide a tab within preferences detailing currently mapped shortcuts within Orion. This will benefit power users. This tab can be used to customize keyboard shortcuts. Assignments here can be linked to the ones in macOS System settings. AFAIK, no browser has implemented this, Brave have a keyboard shortcut page but its only for extensions not for the entire browser. I'm suggesting on for the browser as a whole.
I would suggest only for extension shortcuts. There are separate applications although for viewing native shortcuts, although I am thorn on whether Orion should implement it's own keyboard shortcut list perhaps in the help menu instead.
I would veto for a help menu keyboard shortcuts list instead.
Vlad Video and audio editing softwares have implemented this via the screenshots below; so i'm thinking a UI like this for a start.
At the moment, to see keyboard shortcuts for any program, I use a nifty app called Cheat Sheet that activates by holding down CMD for 3secs, interestingly this doesn't work for Orion, infact the browser freezes for a min (beachball)
These last few posts discuss the same thing here:
I think the current approach is the perfect fit for macOS. This is how every well-behaved app should work. Why demand duplicating the same functionality that Apple already provides us?
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I agree with that sentiment. Perhaps people are not aware that this can be done?
Perhaps we can simply expose a button in preferences that opens keyboard shortcuts in OS settings?
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That would help, though if we are talking really user-friendly then to further reduce confusion it could help to have at least one shortcut pre-added for Orion under keyboard shortcuts preference pane.
This is because for someone accustomed to in-app shortcut management the process of adding a new app to system-wide keyboard shortcuts may not be obvious, at least on Monterey
But then a bit of strategically linked documentation might just resolve all of this with less effort…
+1 for using system keyboard shortcut remapping for Orion's own shortcuts. Best to use existing facilities where they exist.
However, the problem is with extensions. Not all extensions offer keyboard shortcut mapping. In Safari, the only way to map such shortcuts is laggy, complicated, and fragile UI scripting, like this:
on clickSafariToolbarButton(buttonName)
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Safari" to tell its first window to tell toolbar 1
set theElements to UI element 1 of every group
set theElements to reverse of theElements -- working right to left
repeat with eachButton in theElements
if description of eachButton is buttonName then click eachButton
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end clickSafariToolbarButton
Something like this would also work for Orion, but its more of a workaround than a good solution.
A better solution might be where in Tools > Extensions > [name of extension >
there are menu items for Disable
and Options
, there could also be a menu item for Activate
—i.e. to react as if the extension's toolbar button was clicked (ideally, even if it is hidden in the overflow menu). This menu could then be mapped via system preferences, the same as the rest.
small_lion How would Orion know what keyboard mapping are used by an extension?
Orion wouldn’t need to know what mappings are used by extensions.
Let me give an example of what I'm talking about. The Zotero extension has one function (extract metadata from current page and save to the main Zotero application), which is activated by clicking on the extension icon. Unlike some similar extensions, it offers no way to map this to a keyboard shortcut.
I find the click-only approach to be unergonomic, especially if the extension is hidden in the overflow menu. (Sometimes I might be activating the Zotero extension 10 or 15 times in quick succession, and I suffer from RSI...) Chromium browsers offer such key mapping capability for most/all extensions. In Safari, as mentioned above, UI scripting is required.
What I am suggesting is that all that is needed for Orion is to have Tools > Extensions > [name of extension] > Activate
in the application menu for each extension, with Activate
simulating a click on the extension icon. For some extensions, this wouldn’t do anything useful, but for the likes of Zotero it would be very useful.
So, Orion wouldn’t need to know anything more about extension shortcuts than it already does. It would obviously be up to the user to avoid mapping clashes, same as with remapping any menu item.
small_lion ok so it is about ext activation, not mapping extension shortcuts. i suggest to create a new post for this
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Hi. I just started using Orion and I really like it.
The one thing stopping me from using it as my default browser is the lack of custom shortcuts for extensions.
For example, in Chromium based browsers, I use an extension called SN Utils, to add tons of features to ServiceNow, a SaaS solution I work with.
I have successfully installed it on Orion, but I can't configure it's shortcuts.
In any other Chromium based browser, I have a screen like this:
Opera GX's extension shortcuts config screen
I have an idea to tackle this in Orion, although I'm not sure if it's possible to implement it...
In order to let us set the shortcuts using macOS default feature, Orion could list the configurable extension shortcuts as a submenu under Tools | Extensions | <extension name> after the Enable / Disable option:
This was just my 2 cents to the discussion, trying to help you improving this amazing browser and make it even better.
CristianoVM Hey that is an amazing idea! It allows us to leverage native macOS bindings. Awesome!
This is exactly what I am missing too. I'm here ready to jump on Orion as soon as they implement this feature. Please do it! I have been checking out the browser every month cause I like it that much, but this is stopping me from switching.
For users who really want to have their standard shortcuts: Have a look into BetterTouchTool. There you can map any existing shortcut or thing with a new shortcut. It's one of my all time favorit productive tools.
For me I need the Bitwarden short cut to be the same on all machines and unfortunaley I'm used to another shortcut than the standard one. Just add Orion to Bettertouchtool, add the shortcut you want and that it than should trigger the standard Bitwarden shortcut. Everything works perfekt like this.
Vlad Hello Vlad,
Is this already implemented? I really want to setup keyboard shortcuts for extentions actions as @CristianoVM suggested. Please advise me a workaround!
@CristianoVM did you find a way to set extension shortcuts?