a month later


Just tested with Orion Sonoma 14.2 (23C64) and it gets farther than before, but still isn't working for me.

A Passkey-enabled site is now correctly triggering 1Password's "Sign In With Passkey" prompt, but attempting to proceed through it results in this error instead of successfully authenticating:

    I have set up passkeys in Bitwarden so I can compare Safari and Orion's behaviour with that.

    With Safari, it prompts you to sign in with the passkey:

    With Orion, it does not:

      This thread is for native support for passkeys with Orion's keychain. The last few posts are about extension support and should belong in separate threads.

        21 days later

        For anyone that's been waiting on this: it looks like Orion properly supports passkeys, at least with 1Password.

          2 months later

          sjerred which version? does look to support only hardware-backed passkeys such as Yubikeys etc. But, there is still no way to either use iCloud passkeys and/or some Orion's own synced passkeys.

          I have just found that Firefox now is able to access iCloud passkeys bz #1792433 on macOS. As per that bug discussion they are likely using this entitlement. This does open standard macOS dialog (the same one as in Safari) that allows to choose either iCloud or hardware-backed passkey.

            15 days later

            Orion currently supports passkeys, but it seems to be using its own implementation.
            I hope this explanation would clear up some issues and allow a proper implementation of passkeys


            safari saves the passkey to iCloud Keychain, which is synced on all devices, authenticated via touch id.

            but, it also provides an option ot using a nearby device (iphone, ipad, or android device) to use a camera to create the passkey

            or, using an external security key.

            then, when authenticating, it defaults to touch id, bu also provides other choices.


            exact same UX and UI as Safari. this is what orion should have implemented.


            chrome saves the passkey to exact same iCloud Keychain that Safari uses (you can see that fdsa1 which was created on Safari is suggested for autofill), which is synced on all devices, authenticated via touch id.

            but, it also provides an option ot using a nearby device (iphone, ipad, or android device) to use a camera to create the passkey, or an external security key

            the option "using your chrome profile" creates a local-only passkey. this is what orion is doing currently. the flow for this also looks like what orion currently offers, using the same touch-id popup that orion has

            chrome likely has a slightly different flow than safari/firefox bc of its "using your chrome profile" option that safari and ff don't support (and isn't necessary)


            orion, on the other hand, only allows for touch id and security key, providing a very different popup.

            it also uses a different touch id verification popup

            also, when authenticating, it uses a different touch id popup, and doesnt offer other choices for authentication

              23 days later

              Im pretty sure passkeys are different. whenever i try and use passkeys signing into things like amazon using passkeys doesn't work and errors out without giving more information.

                Steps to reproduce:

                Expected behavior:
                The 3rd Party Provider handles request to create and save passkey. In my case, 1Password should pop up asking to create/update a login with passkey.

                Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                0.99.125 &, macOS 13.6, M2

                Note: this works on iOS 17 with 1Password 8.10.6 (app store release) and Orion 1.3.4 (1) which is what led me to test on macOS

                7 months later

                Can this be implemented in a generic way, so it works with any 3rd-party password manager? I could use this for Strongbox (which works fine in Safari, see screenshot below). πŸ™‚


                Merged 2 posts from Passkeys do not use Password Manager.

                  Currerntly, extensions like bitwarden support storing passkeys. However, not in Orion.
                  While using Orion, I see in google account settings "A passkey can’t be created on this device", however this works in Chrome and when clicked "add a passkey" bitwarden popup opens.

                  I have a self-hosted instance of Bitwarden and happy to provide a test account for dev purposes if needed.

                  A note: this is no a duplicate of #3025, #3025 is more about storing the passkeys in ios keychain (and/or on TPM like Safari does), but my issue is about supporting API for extensions to do that.

                  expected the pop-up to appear πŸ™‚


                  Monterey (12)


                    Got an interesting observation, while recording the demonstration, I've used a different website to register a passkey for (passkeys.io instead of google, as I tried initially). Surprisingly, it worked in both chrome and Orion. So the issue per se is not with the extensions API, but rather something different, which makes google website not recognize a compatible device.

                    And a video demonstrating the interaction with bitwarden:

                      I have also tried that in Safari.
                      Visiting google passkeys page gave me a green (well, blue) shield like in Chrome telling me the device is supported. I didn't try further though.

                      Had another clue, I've changed the user agent to "Safari" in Orion, and, well, it didn't work. So I thought it's based on some other native APIs. However, changing the user-agent to Chrome in Safari made it work (!) with both bitwarden and later (when declined in bitwarden) it asked to interact with a TouchID.

                      So, here I come to a conclusion that the evil company is doing its evil things again.

                      However, I don't quite get it why it works in my Safari, but doesn't work with the same exact user-agent (I've checked) in Orion.

                        @Vlad I'm not quite sure what to name this issue now considering my new observations.
                        Perhaps, the problem is that having the same exact user-agent in Orion as in Safari doesn't work for google.

                          It may be a duplicate of #3025 after all and we just need to look more into it? For what is worth I was able to create a passkey for github with no problem in Orion with no changes made.