
  • Feb 15, 2023
  • Joined Jan 4, 2023
  • 2 discussions
  • 5 posts
  • 0 best answers
  • 29 points
  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to
    2. Click Share in the top right and observe a gray overlay with no sharing modal.

    Expected behavior:
    I expect Google's share modal to appear so I can share the document with others.

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
    MacBook Pro (macOS Ventura 13.2 build 22D49)


    Edit to add:

    • Disabling content blockers does fix the issue.
    • I do not experience this issue in Safari (even with AdGaurd)
    • Unless I'm missing something, currently there does not appear to be a way to promote a non-saved window to a saved window. A user must be click the '+' button in the window menu dropdown, then re-open all open tabs in the current window in the new saved window. That doesn't sound fun if one has multiple tabs open.

      This would be ameliorated if it was possible move tabs to saved windows without physical drag and drop but that doesn't seem possible as well, see User should be able to move tabs from visible window to non-visible saved windows

      • Would like the ability to automatically route a tab to a tab group based on title name and/or URI. This would avoid a lot of manual organization over time.

        It would be great to regex match a domain, or title and automatically route the tab to the appropriate tab group. For example, video conferencing all going to a meeting group.

        Another more complex example would be google doc pages with "marketing" all going to a marketing tab group. This would require three variables to be set in the browser.

        Domain: "*"
        Title: ("Marketing" or "marketing") and "Presentation"
        Window Destination: "Marketing"

        • Steps to reproduce:

          1. Login to twitter
          2. Scroll through feed

          Expected behavior
          Ads should be blocked

          Orion, OS version; hardware type:
          1.2.4(2) iPad

          <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

          • Hi all,

            One of my Orion profiles crashed recently. I sent in a crash report. I had about 100 tabs open with the vertical tab interface but none of them were restored (and there was nothing to "Reopen Last Window Closed"). So I lost them all.

            This is where I got the inspiration to allow for recurring snapshots as backups.
            If I had a snapshot of my profile's windows automatically taken hourly, for example, I would have restored 95% of what I lost.

            Just an idea; it may be sparringly useful because we don't expect a crash like this often.

            The scheduled recurring snapshots would be optional (assuming this is at all intensive).

            • Vlad replied to this.
            • Orion creates profiles by making a proxy app that just calls the main app with an argument. It would be useful if this proxy app identified itself as a browser to the system. This would make it possible for the user to select a certain profile as the system default browser in the System Settings and for browser picker apps (for example, Velja) to be able to show Orion profiles (proxy apps).

              To resolve this, all you have to do is to add the following to the Info.plist of the generated proxy app:

              • Version (WebKit 614.1.20)
                MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey 12.6 build 21G115)

                I have seen this with slack's webapp and gmail -- After some time of tab being opened the webpage stops getting updates (new messages are not indicated).

                I assume it has something to do with websocket handling since I think that's how both apps get updates from the server.

                Is there some aspect of Orion that puts a tab to sleep if it isn't focused in a while? I haven't been able to figure out any timing constraints.

                I don't see this behavior in Safari (or at least not that I've noticed)

                • Vlad replied to this.

                • Like this, for a potential web application-like experience.

                  • Vlad replied to this.
                  • Steps to reproduce:

                    • open Orion
                    • open several tabs
                    • observe fuzzy rendering of title-text in newer tabs

                    Expected behavior:
                    Tab title-text should be crisp regardless of being the active tab. Switching tab to be the active tab does not seem to help.

                    Orion and macOS:
           (WebKit 613.1.10) && 12.0.1 (21A559)

                    I'm on an ultra wide (3440x1440) non-retina display. Page text seems just fine, only tab-titles (hopefully the screenshot below illustrates well enough). Sometimes, the tabs seem to eventually render into sharper text (perhaps through active tab switching?), but it's not a consistent change.


                    • Vlad replied to this.
                      For colored tab chrome
                      Compact tabs need to be added. Just like Safari's, except they use Safari 14's design for the compact tabs, and also have a spot near the window buttons and toolbar buttons, and the right corner near the "+" button wherein the browser is draggable with the mouse. There should also be an option for people such as myself who want a web-application-like experience and wish to remove flotato and instead use this browser except with the colored tab color option on, in which I have to resort to Safari to use instead. I would suggest making an option for users who would like this, as well as tab colors