- Edited
- Change Language Option in Settings #4297 @BigBobDalton
- Command+click in-place window changer should open in separate window #4329 @JordanSavoie
- Ctrl-` to move backward in tab switcher #4283 @tuesday
- Added option "Show Nested Vertical Tabs" in Settings -> Appearance
- Added Consent-o-matic (Automatic handling of GDPR consent forms.) to Popular extensions
- Delta (partial) updates should work again!
- Clearing site data now includes HSTS policies #3626 @registered
- Pinned tabs cannot be Muted/Unmuted when using vertical tabs #4224 @laiz
- 1Password removed from Popular extensions until they officialy support Orion. 1Password and Orion situation.
- Stop Favourites Appearing in Search Autocomplete Suggestions #4306 @jputting
- Mojave issue where page reloads when clicking into editable text areas
- Window Switcher: I am able to drag the unsaved window into Saved Windows, and it breaks the UI until restart #4258 @vladstudio
- The Chinese characters in the search suggestions corrupted #4260 @pan93412
- Video keeps on playing after closing the window(saved) #4325 @mazil
- Switch windows in place with horizontal tabs hides tab bar if previous window had 1 tab #4272 @ajgraves
- “Copy tab links” doesn’t do anything #4318 @anton
- Saved window keyboard shortcuts don't work #4310 @phy
- Spaces In URLs not fully escaped with %20 #4322 @danderson
- Tabs text hidding #4298 @Longely
- Orion crash when opening Settings #4273 @Cobracov
- Keyboard shortcut for switching windows activates when a text input is focused #4323 @mk_rsa
- Opening previously opened windows through in-place window switcher breaks label #4328 @JordanSavoie
- “Bookmark N tabs…” doesn’t work #4319 @anton
- "Web" icon spills over the adress #3641 @crnd99