Vlad And here is an opinion from a well known voice in the Apple community:
That was a pretty good article and helped me to think about this some more.
One issue I'd like to point out with the compact tabs is that, to change a URL, it requires two clicks (and even in separate areas sometimes, if there are a lot of tabs!) unlike the old ones, where it was merely moving the cursor to the same space at the top, and clicking once. I think there might have been some concessions made to usability in order to achieve the desired aesthetic.
Vlad I as a user neither know what page I am browsing nor it is comfortable to use all the additional icons. Just because it looked 'prettier' to someone at Apple does not mean it is better for the user.
It is true that something having a visually pleasing quality to those at Apple, does not necessarily translate into it being better for users in the end. Sometimes Apple pivots and changes their approach, too.
Also as a general point here – I think there is more to this than personal opinion and objection. The browser needs a certain choice made about what it can offer, so relativizing the question too much doesn't help find the best answer. And the best choice requires some thought about what makes UI and UX better, or worse. More clicks or fewer? How many icons to display? Design preference? Change or tradition?
And so on.