I could be completely wrong, as I don't have any experience with the share APIs in macos/ios, but it seems like that on both desktop and mobile, the share functionality shares the content of a url as a NSString rather than a NSURL, resulting in unexpected behavior for everyone.

I believe these issues may be caused by the sharing of a NSString, and likely many more.

Additionally, sharing a url to apps like notes and messages results in text being displayed, rather than the embed that is generated when sharing from Safari. this is likely the result of not sharing a NSURL

This should fix most issues regarding the unexpected behavior of the share sheet on macos and ios.

    This explains some issues I had with Shortcuts in the past that I couldn't figure out

      I opened a web site and call the share sheet. I expect, that the plain URL is given over to the other app, but instead of this a combination of the site title and the URL inside parantheses is transfered.
      I tried it with some apps like Hoarder or Linkdy.

      Please give us an option for configuring this or transfer only the plain URL.

      1.3.9 (3)


      • Vlad replied to this.
        Merged 3 posts from Plain URL on sharing .

          Current implementation on iOS isn't quite right:

          There should be no text.



          • Vlad replied to this.

            eirk Would be great if you indicated what version are you using?

              Orion iOS version 1.3.9 (5), latest testflight release. this is the only release that supports sharing as NSURL

                6 days later

                1.3.9 (7)

                feature is still implemented differently from safari:

                  a month later

                  @Vlad it's not implemented properly. Should I make another post or can you reopen this one?

                    I use this copy (as copy link) function heavily. I suspect other apps do too, since the latest update seems to break some of my other share actions. “Open in Ice Cubes” no longer shows up.

                    Also, pasting the combined title and url doesn’t paste the URL in some apps, like opening a new tab and pasting in Orion itself.

                    Would be best to remove the title and only copy the URL. As I can’t think of any reason why I would want that title text there. We can safely rely on a websites open graph details and not unnecessary browser injections into our clipboards.

                    Orion 1.3.9

                    iOS 18

                      +1 for this. Unlike Safari and Firefox on iOS, selecting the URL in the address bar doesn’t include a copy button on the keyboard. This change makes it much harder to quickly grab the URL, and for some reason not all apps accept the URL half of the paste.

                      EDIT: this appears to be a side effect of this feature, which is great when sharing to apps but shouldn’t extend to the “Copy” item in the share sheet, akin to Safari. https://orionfeedback.org/d/7750-share-sheet-missing-site-title-and-selected-text-when-sharing

                        larke12 ah I rather much prefer the URL being copied. I find the extra bits unnecessary. But if this is something Orion really wants to support maybe we can have a separate share action “Copy Link” that copies just the URL?

                        Thanks for the discussion. Can you agree what the ask is?