Currently when you close the last tab Orion will close the main window. And people, I included, want this window to remain open with a new fresh start page.

Adding a checkbox at "Orion > Settings > Tabs" named "Close window when closing last tab"

When the checkbox is checked (true): Orion main window closes upon closing last tab (current behaviour)
When the checkbos is unchecked (false): Orion main window will not close upon closing last tab. But rather open a "new tab" with the "Start Page". (Similar behaviour on mobile Orion / mobile Safari).

    4 months later

    I second this! Any updates on this so far?

      3 months later

      Seconded. As someone who prefer to work in full screen mode this is a must.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        hsu Is this the case in Safari?

        • hsu replied to this.

          Vlad No, but I enable this option in other browsers wherever possible.

          • Vlad replied to this.

            hsu What other browsers have this option? Can you post a screenshot of how it is labeled?


              This is how Vivaldi labels it:

              In addition, this is also the default behavior in Arc browser.

              Really hope this could become an option in Orion!

              a month later

              My personal daily driver is LibreFox, and use Chrome/Edge for work. Seldom use Safari other than occasional testing.

              Closing the last non-pin tab closing Orion is so confusing🤦‍♂️

              An option to change this behavior is more than welcome!

                Just notice in Version (WebKit 621., closing last non-pin tab has 2 different behaviour:

                1. Last non-pin tab active, cmd-w will minimize Orion
                2. Middle click or click "x" of the last non-pin tab will close the non-pin tab, then open a new one

                Additionally, in Safari:

                1. If pin tab is present, closing last non-pin tab(even it is a start page)
                  • with mouse action, will go to pin-tab
                  • ctrl-w will minimize Safari
                2. Closing last tab (pin or non-pin)
                  • with mouse action, will close the existing tab and open start page
                  • ctrl-w will minimize Safari
                3. If last tab is start page, and there is no pin tab
                  • Cannot close tab with mouse action
                  • ctrl-w will minimize Safari

                So in this case, Safari mouse action align with OP and my expectations, but not ctrl-w.

                PS: mouse action = middle click or clicking the "x" of the tab bar.

                  17 days later
                  5 days later
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