- Edited
Figured out how to consistently reproduce on my end.
I have ublock set to block the "Creator on the Rise" and "Trending Shorts" trays on the YouTube trending page (among other things), so intended behabiour is that they don't show up.
- Go to a new tab (orion://newtab)
- Go to YouTube using my keyword invokation, which is set to go to www.youtube.com/feed/trending when I type "ytt"
- uBlock Origin will not work. Refreshing the page will block elements as expected.
- Repeat as before from new tab, but this time, type youtube.com/feed/trending manually in the address bar. uBlock Origin will work as expected on page load, no reload required.
- type "orion://newtab" in the address bar to go back to a blank page. (Presumably this works with any other tab i.e. go to google.com or another site)
- Keyword invokation again causes uBlock Origin to not work.
- repeat back and forth and it keeps happening
Caveats I've found:
- Invoking "ytt" from the YouTube page itself will not cause the issue.
- Having a tab open with YouTube Trending already open will cause subsequent open tabs to not have the issue.
- Same as above, but closing the YouTube tab and then open a new tab open invoke ytt from a blank new tab page will not cause the issue.
- typing youtube.com/feed/trending manually in the address bar makes uBlock Origin work as expected, but typing that and then clicking the top suggestion (instead of pressing enter) will cause the issue again.
When visiting a site from the suggestions bar (Top hits, bookmarks, etc.) the page is loaded in a way that prevents uBlock Origin from working. This is fixed immediately upon refresh. After this is fixed, new tabs visits to the same site won't have the problem anymore.
Note the appearance of the "Creator on the Rise" and "Trending Shorts" trays in the video list.
Actions taken in the video:
- YouTube visited from manual URL entry: uBlock works
- YouTube visited using bookmark keyword invokation: uBlock does not work
- YouTube visited by clicking from suggestions bar: uBlock does not work