And animations are not even needed in most cases unless if you were doing something repetitiously intensive such as something in a game. The application isn't a game and is completely usable with zero animations.

    14 days later

    We can easilly solve for tabs being more accessible in Window switcher:

    Having multiple panels on the sidebar is trickier. Here is our current attempt, feedback is more than welcome.

    • laiz replied to this.

      Reposting this quick mockup here so everyone can see and comment on it:

      Besides these suggestions, I think the proposed implementation looks good and I'd be more than satisfied with it.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Brief Summary
        When horizontal scrolling on the sidebar, change the tab group. This would be very similar to the implementation used in the Arc browser.

        In Safari on iOS 17, in the tab view, there is a bar at the bottom on which you can swipe left or right to change tab groups. The same sort of implementation could be used on the desktop verstion of Orion to add a way to switch tab groups using gestures, which helps everything feel very fluid.

        Mockup of what I mean:
        <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

        Example of the animation on ios:

          Vlad thanks. When I saw the iOS version of that tab group swapping I immediately thought of arc. Being able to scroll between tab groups with a gesture is maybe the thing I miss the most from using arc before.

            Brief Summary
            Quick access to the different categories in the side tab via swipe gesture.

            Have the side bar open. Place cursor over side bar. Swipe left or right to switch between Windows Tabs and Bookmarks. This can behave the same way you change between Spaces in Arc browser.

            The reason I'd like this feature because it's much easier than using the keyboard shortcuts or clicking and selecting from the dropdown list.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              WindWalker There is anotherr suggestion similar to this, can you find it so I can merge it?

                Merged 3 posts from Swipe in Side Bar to switch between Windows Tabs and Bookmarks.
                  19 days later
                  Merged 9 posts from Gestures for switching tab groups.

                    whitemamba Merging everything here as we try to build the future concept of Orion's sidebar. What we will try to do is have one solution that encompasses all suggestions.

                      a month later

                      What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?
                      When I use Arc browser I find it superconvenient that I can swipe between different spaces. I know I can switch tyabgroups in Orion with shortcuts but swiping is often faster when I'm just browsing by clicking links (and not having both hands on the keyboard).

                      What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?
                      Users can two finger swipe left/right (trackpad) or click drag (mouse) over sidebar to switch tab groups.
                      In the movie you see me open folders, but my request is for easy swiping to different tab groups.

                      • Vlad replied to this.
                        Merged 3 posts from Two finger swipe (trackpad) or click drag (mouse) over sidebar switches tab groups.

                          Thanks for merging @vlad.
                          Since we're talking about a new iteration of the sidebar hereā€¦

                          I like the Arc sidebar quite a lot. What I like:

                          • The ability to swipe through Spaces (I would call it contexts but sounds less cool). I have e.g. one for private, one for work, one for my music and some others.
                          • Possibility to have multiple pinned folders with bookmarks in one Space, this keeps things tidy.
                          • Possibility to peak into folders when hovering over them to quickly visit a site without opening the folder. Saves a click.
                          • A clear 'button' that closes all open tabs (that are not pinned).
                          • Favorite pins that are visible in any Space (context)
                          • Having the Spaces represented by an icon at the bottom of the sidebar, saves from visual overload at the top.

                          What I don't like too much:

                          • There's a lot of space between elements, looks all nice and modern, but from an efficiency perspective I find it too much. Sometimes I have so many tabs open that the pinned folders take up too much space.
                          • The favorites at the top are toooo big. I would prefer the Orion pinned tabs look for that.

                          In a way you could say that Orion's Windows are Arcs Spaces and Orions tab groups are Arcs folders in a Space.
                          All in all I have found the UX of Arcs sidebar very intuitive, integrated, fluent and easy to navigate. When I have to navigate a lot of different contexts on one day I often use Arc. This thread got me thinking about the Orion sidebar and I place it here for reference: https://orionfeedback.org/d/2783-random-thoughts-on-arc-orion-and-stuff