Changes to Orion's Sidebar / Vertical tabs handling
Almost there, unfortunately there's no way to remove the top toolbar and items are only allowed on the sidebar if the "sidebar" item is there. I really think think if the "sidebar" item could be removed there would easily be enough space to peep the domain name of the majority of websites while leaving extra items to the overflow menu.
GreyAsteroid How did you do that?
Vlad If the sidebar toggle icon is added to the toolbar it makes it possible for any element to be placed on the sidebar as well. However, if you resize the sidebar to a small enough size, everything but the sidebar toggle icon will be pushed back onto the main toolbar.
Similar to Arc browser, but not necessarily the same. Since the sidebar would have so much vertical space, the search bar, extension icons, etc. could all be put on there. It would be a great option to save vertical real estate, especially on ultra wide monitors.
Like the screenshot of Arc, where the URL bar is in the sidebar, A button and keyboard shortcut could be added to show the toolbar again.
whitemamba Orion has numerous toolbar buttons, where would they go?
@Vlad maybe a small vertical bar on the right side, as Microsoft Edge added?
davidkaya I like that as a potential idea.
A pop-out on hover toolbar like this is also an option
Concept images (many based on Arc) are beautiful!
I like the option of having tabs on the left but it would be a better experience if the toolbar on top was removed when that happens. Orion's implementation seems unintuitive. Let me explain the 2 options that are more intuitive to me.
Safari's implementation of tabs in toolbar where the URL bar is for the active tab
Arc's implementation where the tab bar is on the left and no toolbar (shortcuts to get to URL bar)
With Orion's implementation, opening a new tab (in the foreground or background) makes you wonder where the other tab(s) went. When users see the URL bar, they expect to see tabs as well. If you are moving the tabs, hide the toolbar as well so users
I would expect that when a user enables tabs on the left, the webpage takes up all the space on the right.
Check out how Arc feels when using it throughout the day. It seems very natural. Something that would benefit Orion users as well.
- Edited
This is to free up vertical screen real-estate. Since tabs are already in the sidebar, there's no need to duplicate them at the top! The feature can manifest itself in two ways:
1) Only the address bar stays at the top in "compact mode" with no tabs underneath (note: I realize this is sort of a "hidden feature" already if you turn on the sidebar and then switch to "vertical tabs")
2) Everything disappears, and the address bar compresses itself into the sidebar (similar to Arc)
The user would then be able to use the sidebar exclusively with vertical tabs, rather than having a combination of both.
Here is how it currently looks:
I say no unless we give people both of the option !