Changes to Orion's Sidebar / Vertical tabs handling
Tried Kagi a couple years ago. It was fast and I loved the zero telemetry. But Arc's organization... pinned tabs, folders, active tabs, spaces... was superb. And their mobile app is matching in excellence. Glad to see the sidebar being thought about here. It was my biggest turn off to using Kagi, the windows things or whatever it did with the total tab numbers instead of just giving me folders... And after spending two years with Arc, there's no way I would ever go horizontal again.
All to say, if the sidebar is done right I think a lot of Arc folks would land here for a faster and more private experience. Will return to this thread in a few months to see if there's been any progress.
Good luck folks!
For those of us on this thread that want a more Arc-like sidebar in Orion, I'm wondering if it's possible to support this new Chrome extension that delivers almost exactly that (for Chromium-based browsers:
I've suggested this:
MacOS - Add Bookmarks Sidebar to Vertical Tabs Sidebar
I think it's a simple solution which would solve a few things discussed.
Kuakeye1 I am new to Orion and a current fan of Arc. I just want to say that I too would love to see a structure similar to Arc for "tab groups". As much as I value Orion's dedication to privacy, I have been spoiled by Arc's ease of use.
This would be perfect. As another person coming from Arc, This is the feature I miss most. I'd also love to not have profiles be seperate Orion Windows entirely (which feel more like seperate apps tbh) and instead being the swipable spaces in the side bar, thus creating a unified window.
alexanderhblack the swipeable areas for Saves Windows are currently in the Release Candidate and work well.
janpeeters Yup, using them right now and I adore them! Phrased it poorly, sorry. I meant I'd like the profiles to be in the Save Windows instead of having each profile be a separate instance.
alexanderhblack Thanks. I agree with you!
Zitro This and the way Arc handles bookmarks (displaying them above open tabs) is the only thing keeping me from switching to Orion. If they're implemented I'll switch 100%.
voidpointer Grateful_Guitar Thanks for the agreement y'all! Yeah, it'd make my life a lot easier. I'm already full-timing Orion because I like it enough, but this is what would take it from Great to Perfect for me.