Apologies for the late reply. The video is attached - Firefox with smooth scroll on the right, Orion without smooth scroll on the left. Hopefully the difference is noticeable through video - though it's much more prominent when actually scrolling with them.

This is using the scrollwheel of an external mouse.

    s2e3440z ok seems to be related to your scroll wheel. I get smooth scroll when using touchpad/trackpad.

      Vlad changed the title to Smoother Scrolling when using scroll wheel of external mouse .

        Yep - touchpad is smooth, anything external (other than the magic mouse, I would guess) isn't smooth, but is in Firefox.

          Not sure that's the case - as it is a setting in both Chrome and Firefox


          Chromium has it on by default unless disabled by open /Applications/Chromium.app --args --disable-smooth-scrolling

            14 days later

            Vlad It cannot, macos by default uses instantaneous scroll acceleration to scroll on all pages without an apple pointing device. So what this person is asking for is an animation timer perhaps, of 100ms. Not sure how it would be implemented, it would be quite complex to implement an animation timer with the native macOS scroll acceleration.

              What appears to be missing for external mice (e.g. MagicMouse) is macOS-standard "velocity scrolling" (AKA accelerated, 'elastic', over-scroll etc.)

              i.e. in Safari scrolling on trackpad and MagicMouse feels exactly the same, hopefully the same can be true in Orion.

              EDIT: actually natural macOS scrolling via MagicMouse works fine on orionfeedback.org (and theverge.com), but not linkedin.com for instance… so seems more limited in scope (using

              EDIT 2: could've sworn I saw it working OK on twitter.com, but tried again and velocity scrolling is not present on Twitter… is it possible this behaviour could toggle based on site JS/scroll jacking, i.e. something normally blocked that's leaking through under certain conditions?

              …or I'm just making up voodoo!?

                NOPE: not imaging things (!), opening Twitter.com (i.e. Home) in new window gives me MagicMouse natural scrolling, whereas an already open individual Tweet window — ie. direct URL to a specific Tweet in the form https://twitter.com/USER/status/NUMBERdoes not have natural scrolling.

                …interesting…? 🤔

                  Hmmmm, definitely something interesting going on here — the issue is inconsistent — created a new LinkedIn window and smoothly scrolled with MagicMouse.

                  …but existing LinkedIn sub-pages already open (e.g. a user's profile) continue to have halting scrolling (MagicMouse only).

                    4 days later

                    transeunt There is no smooth scrolling in any form on non-apple mice without any 3rd party software.
                    The scroll you see is a website javascript based scroll animation in no way related to smooth scrolling added in webkit.
                    This browser uses webkit, so most scrolling behavior is completely based off upon Safari's scrolling behvaior, that is it was optimized for Apple-created pointing devices.

                      a month later

                      I came here just to report this. I am using Mos with mouse smooth scrolling app since I use Logitech Anywhere 3 with Mac and the difference on Orion is noticeable between it and Chrome, Brave, and Safari. Anyway, this can be addressed? I love Orion's speed, but bumpy scrolling is too tough on the eyes. Lots of ppl use Logitech mouse with Macs too, so if Orion intends to be a crossover between Safari speed and Chrome extensions, this feels like a must.

                        a month later

                        Vlad Unfortunately, I tried using QuickTime but it does not capture the smoothness. Maybe because of the lower refresh rate on my M1 iMac? Weird. I tried to hold my phone to record the screen but it's hardly noticeable even with my S21 Ultra. Not sure what the refresh rate is on my phone.

                        I'm using a Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse and the lack of smooth scrolling with Orion is the only thing holding it back. It is very noticeably smoother on Safari. I currently toggle between Orion and Safari every day. Safari for smooth scrolling, but Orion to use the Bypass Paywalls extension. This is consistent day in and day out on all sites. I just don't have a way to record it.

                        I just installed Orion, and that was the first thing I noticed: scroll wheel is not smooth and there is no setting to enable smooth scrolling.
                        Here is a video, on a 144hz refresh rate screen, using an external Logitech mouse using one-step scroll wheel. Orion on the right, compared to Firefox on the left:

                          5 days later

                          Vlad FYI, I don't have a way to record with a high refresh rate, but I just compared between both Safari and Orion on my M1 iMac and my M1 Max with Promotion. Promotion makes a significant difference with Orion. It's still not as smooth as Safari/Brave/Chrome on Promotion. I'm using a Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse, along with Mos app for butter smooth scrolling. But Orion with Promotion is managable with Promotion. Without it, it's not.

                          Smooth scrolling with Orion on my M1 Max is not as jumpy as on the M1 iMac, although it's still not as smooth as other browsers, but I do not use a mouse with my laptop. I suppose this means the refresh rate helps with smooth scrolling, but this probably was already known.

                          If there are other apps you'd like me to compare Orion with, I'm happy to. I don't quite understand why it smooth scrolling works with some apps, but not others. It's the same with PDF Expert. Very jumpy, to the point that I have to a trackpad on it. This is also the same no matter which smooth scrolling app I'm using. I've tried a dozen or so.

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                            5 days later
                            9 days later

                            Vlad Will do. FYI, I didn't think to record in slow motion, which better captures the jumpiness. On the right is Safari. The left is Orion. I scrolled at the same speed with a Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse on my M1 iMac. Recorded in slow mo on my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Watch the first 10 seconds or so and then skip to about 1:25 and watch the same. It's very evident on real time. I'd love to see a solution to this.

                            Outside of this, Orion is the only app I would actually pay to use. Everything else about it is phenomenal. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7kv8ryham4tk5c/Orion%20Scrolling%20Jumpy.mov?dl=0

                            • Vlad replied to this.