Seconded. Compatibility with existing extensions is the feature that sets Orion apart from Safari for me. I hope this will be implemented reasonably soon.

3 months later
Merged 1 post from Update extensions button .
    a month later

    To whom it may concern,

    I see no option to update the installed extensions in the Orion browser. I might have missed something but so far I failed to find a way. The only way is to re-download them. Please let me know if I'm missing something. It was the same way on the previous version too.

    Orion Version 0.99.121-beta (WebKit 614.1.20), MBA M1, Monterey 12.1

    Merged 2 posts from Extensions update.
      2 months later

      Hello Orion,

      i didn't notice any btn for checking and updating installed extension.
      where can i find update btn ?

      Merged 1 post from How can i check and update installed extensions .
        4 months later

        Is there any progress on this front? I've been holding off from switching to Orion for this sole reason, checking this thread once every couple weeks for updates.

        As an aside, shouldn't this post belong to the Suggestions section, instead of the Bugs section which it currently belongs to?

          Banana5229 Planned for 125. Do not hold off switching as otherwise there will always be a reason not to switch. A browser is never perfect.

            Vlad Considering that the Chrome/Firefox extension support is one of Orion's standout features, if not the main one, the lack of complete API support and auto-updating is a deal breaker for a lot of people, me included. I can deal with a few crashes and bugs here and there, but not being able to use extensions that are essential for either personal or work use means that Orion cannot become my daily driver

              3 months later
              2 months later

              Brief Summary
              Introduce a feature to force an update check for installed extensions and apply the updates as necessary

              Right now the only way I know of to update extensions in Orion is to periodically check the Chrome/Firefox pages for your extensions and remove and readd them to get the updates.

              This could be significantly improved by adding an updater to the extension manager window. This may allow you to check for extension updates for just one or all of them at a time and automatically download and apply the updates.

              Perhaps a setting can also be added to automatically check for extension updates on a specified timeframe. Options could be daily, weekly, bi-weekly or manually

              Merged 2 posts from Extension updater suggestion.

                I can update an extension by just reinstalling it, no need to remove. Auto-update would be nice (if it could be enabled / disabled per extension), but just having a button to update an extension from the Tools -> Extensions -> Manage dialog would be fine. My issue with having to install an updated extension over the top of the currently installed version is that I have to re-set any site specific permissions for that extension.

                a month later
                23 days later

                In the Extensions Panel there are Reload, Settings and Uninstall buttons. There needs to be a "Check for Update" button as well, that becomes a "Update to Version x.xx" button if a new version of the extension is detected.

                Additionally, clicking on the name of an extension in the Extension panel should open that extension's page in a new tab.

                Currently the only way to update extensions is to list the Chrome or Firefox page, see if there's an update, uninstall and reinstall if there is. This is cumbersome and worst of all, you have to redo all your settings for that extension.

                This is a problem for Orion because it discourages users from updating their extensions and therefore experiencing extension-related bugs – which people will likely blame on Orion. I've had this happen to me several times: I thought I'd discovered bugs in Orion but it turned out they were the fault of outdated extensions.

                There is already a suggestion for auto-updates of extensions, however updating them automatically can also cause problems. That's why I'm making this seperate suggestion for easier manual checks and updates.