eirk This seems to fall under those types of feaures like 'protect from fingerpritning' that are more marketing then actually useful.

Not only would we need to keep a database of URL params to strip, but this will undoubtedly break some legit sites. On top of it all, no ad-tech company that is serious about tracking relies on url paramater tracking, it is more there as a trojan horse so that users who remove this would have a false sense of security that they got rid of tracking.

    Vlad i agree that removing tracking parameters from urls is not enough, but i do believe that it is better than nothing. they are effective to a certain extent, especially when sharing URLs, and sharing extremely long URLs (eg amazon) is a nusiance

    Also, since Safari is doing it, I think that the market standard is starting to be having URL parameter removal.

    There is no need to mantain our own dataset. you can use an existing one:
    https://github.com/ClearURLs/rules/ (they also have a mirror on gitlab)
    https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/LegitimateURLShortener.txt (here, url shortener refers to removing tracking params, thus shortening the URL. also has gitlab mirror)

    • Vlad replied to this.

      eirk Shortening URLs is different use case than advertising this as 'tracking protection' which is what Apple does. So trying to find language to describe what this really is ("cleaning URLs" is more accurate for example)

      Merged 5 posts from Remove tracking parameters.
        5 months later

        Today Firefox 120 offers this new handy feature: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/120.0/releasenotes/

        So Firefox users can use it to automatically remove common tracking params like utm when copying a link

        For years whenever I want to share an interesting site to friends, I switch to the address bar and copy the url, , then trigger a Keyboard Maestro macro to remove all pre-definied params. I think it would be convenient for us and hope Orion implements it as well.


          Would be nice if this happened automatically when using the cmd+shift+c shortcut to copy current URL.

          Arc also does this, by far one of my favorite features in that browser.

          • Vlad replied to this.
            Merged 3 posts from Copy Link Without Site Tracking.

              XAY What kind of linke are you guys sharing? I haven't seen a link with tracking in ages.

                Vlad Brave also has this feature. On right-clicking on any link, it will give Copy Clean Link option which removes tracking parameter. Essentially it applies these rules on the url to remove the tracking parameters.

                • Vlad replied to this.

                  Vlad Pretty much any social network with a 'share' button, for example. Tiktok being one of the worst offenders.

                  • yee replied to this.
                    20 days later

                    XAY agreed, hope the filter can apply to share actions.

                      Vlad You may also want to take a look at ClearURLs' data. It has a few extra rules that AdGuard's URL Tracking Protection filter (which Brave uses and uBO has) seem to not have.

                      Also, currently blocked by #6739.

                        a month later

                        @Vlad how are tracking parameters removed now? is it always removed? this could be an issue at times

                          eirk In the link context menu, holding option changes "Copy Link" to "Copy Clean Link," which applies the AdGuard rules linked in joystmp's Best Answer to remove the URL queries from the copied URLs. "Copy Link" is unchanged

                            14 days later

                            astruckm @eirk We have changed this to now only show the "Copy Clean Link" as a regular context menu item (don't need to press the option key to see it), and it will only appear for links that do have URL tracking queries.

                            a month later
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