- Edited
With the goals of being the most privacy-first browser, it would be ideal to have the option to strip trackers from copied URLs. Taken from another page's description of URL trackers:
"Many websites use tracking elements in the URL (e.g. https://example.com?utm_source=newsletter1&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=sale) to mark your online activity. All that tracking code is not necessary for a website to be displayed or work correctly and can therefore be removed...
Another common example are Amazon URLs. If you search for a product on Amazon you will see a very long URL, such as: https://www.amazon.com/dp/exampleProduct/ref=sxin_0_pb?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=tea&pd_rd_i=exampleProduct&pd_rd_r=8d39e4cd-1e4f-43db-b6e7-72e969a84aa5&pd_rd_w=1pcKM&pd_rd_wg=hYrNl&pf_rd_p=50bbfd25-5ef7-41a2-68d6-74d854b30e30&pf_rd_r=0GMWD0YYKA7XFGX55ADP&qid=1517757263&rnid=2914120011
Indeed most of the above URL is tracking code. (With a cleaned URL), it will look like this:
This feature is similar to the extension in firefox:
(Add-on doesn't work with Orion currently)
Since some people like to have the tracker built-in so that pages load back correctly to where they were with context, having the option to use it or not (optional) would make it best. These trackers are used by sites to know what information you save for later, share with others, etc. since you will follow that copied link back to the site later.
Having this in Orion would be a differentiating feature from other privacy-first browsers, just like the native add-blocking capabilities.
Loving Orion!