Vlad Ignore the name profiles. They do not function as Orion's profiles do, they function as containers do.
For example,
While being in separate "profiles", these 2 spaces share extensions, bookmarks, etc. but cookies are not shared.
Vlad Ignore the name profiles. They do not function as Orion's profiles do, they function as containers do.
For example,
While being in separate "profiles", these 2 spaces share extensions, bookmarks, etc. but cookies are not shared.
GreyAsteroid To clarify further, I'd like to be able to assign a session to a saved window in Orion to mimic the functionality of Arc/Firefox+Sidebery.
GreyAsteroid Thanks but I do not think this is what is being asked in this thread. Users are asking for Firefox style containers/container tabs, which allow you among other things to have tabs from different containers present in the same window for example. Again I do not think that is possible in Arc?
Vlad Yes this is possible on Arc but I'll use Firefox + Sidebery as an example instead to make it easier to understand.
Sidebery on Firefox lets me assign a container to a tab group. In this video I switch between two tab groups, one in the default container where I'm logged in and another in a different container where I am not logged in.
In this video I switch between the same tab open in two different saved windows. I'd like to be able to assign a container to a saved window so that new tabs would be opened in the container assigned to that saved window.
If you'd like I can make a feature request for this specifically but considering it's functionality based on a feature not present in Orion but being requested in this thread I figured I'd post about it here.
you're asking for something different. let me clarify:
arc's profiles are a wrapper around chrome's profiles. but, they do sort of "sync" extensions, but not quite.
they merely install extensions to all profiles when its installed in one, and uninstall extensions when uninstalled in one of them.
if this were the case, you could disable an extension in one profile, but it wouldn’t be disabled in another, as shown in this video (these are two spaces, each in their own profile):
tl;dr, arc's profiles are indeed profiles, and act as orion's and chrome's profiles, in the way that cookies, tab history (trivial to test this), extensions, etc are separate.
i won't talk about bookmarks/favorites, as arc does not have bookmarks/favorites a la chrome.
this post is about firefox-style containers, meaning cookie isolation between certain tabs, in one window/set of tabs, without any sort of switching, essentially:
(crude drawing, but i think it does a great job of explaining what container are)
chrome-style profiles, on the other hand, are about cookie, bookmarks, history, exension, etc isolation across separate windows/sets of tabs, with some switching between them.
(also crude drawing, but i think its accurate enough)
words in "quotes" will represent the terminology used for arc
arc's "profiles" are very much linked to "spaces"
there is no real concept of windows in arc (but yes u can create more than one window), as you switch between "spaces"
basically everything is automatically synced and saved. each "space" in arc is equivalent in sorts to a saved window in orion
on the creation of a "profile", you need to choose between ur existing "spaces" and select which one(s) will be linked to that new "profile". all tabs inside those profiles will get moved to that new "profile", meaning cookies ARE LOST.
basically, you could have something like this along the bottom of the sidebar:
there is no way to switch between profiles directly, but instead, you switch between spaces that are linked to profiles
eirk I think some confustion has happened since I used Arc as an example when making my request when I should have used Firefox from the beginning to simplify things. I am not requesting profiles which I am aware Orion already has. I am requesting that when firefox-style containers are added to Orion that they are able to be assigned to entire saved windows, meaning you could easily switch between say default and work containers while sharing history/extensions/etc without creating a new window.
GreyAsteroid you're asking for switching between saved windows, linked to different profiles, in one window, right?
eirk Yes that is correct. This would mimic the functionality I currently have setup with Firefox + Sidebery. I was under the impression it worked the same way with Arc but it seems their synced extensions fooled me
GreyAsteroid id suggest making a separate post for that, and put smth in the title like (depends on #43)
so we know for reference that it depends on this issue.
Here is the thread I created for my feature request. https://orionfeedback.org/d/4580-assign-containers-to-saved-windows-dependent-on-43
Vlad the other comments posted can be ignored, everything of importance is already in https://orionfeedback.org/d/4580-assign-containers-to-saved-windows-dependent-on-43
Will this also support ephemeral sessions? I used to use Firefox Multi-Containers and Temporary Containers, where tmp containers would open each tab in an ephemeral session. Its the one thing I missing having migrated from FF.
alexkornitzer if ur sure u want each tab to be isolated, u can use private windows. each tab there is isolated from the others
eirk the problem with private windows is that they drop all data (history, etc). What temporary containers do is preserve all the relevant data (history), but keep each tab isolated (cache, sessions, etc).
The other problem with private windows is that some sites use incognito mode / private window detection - sometimes it's intended to be fraud prevention (preventing e-commerce purchases or online banking logins using incognito mode is arguably a good thing from a security point of view), but it can also be used for fingerprinting.
Would love to see multi account container support .
Vlad The mock ups look really great! Is there an ETA for Session tabs to land in the RC build?