a month later

as alastor57 said here, i uploaded a screenshot on how Tabs can be Sorted by Container, so you dont have to look at everytab to identify on what container is it running
See the screenshot

    a month later

    I am so excited to see you’re working on this. Switched from LibreWolf and this was the last thing missing. Bravo!
    You’ll be getting my money soon.

    And yes, the name Sessions is so much better than Containers.

      One of the major benefits to me of container tabs in Firefox/librewolf is the ability to specify a proxy, such as a vpn location. Could this be added to the feature list please? Then it’s truly complete for me.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        robrecord That is not related to containers, I believe there is a separate post suggesting this. Proxy is generaly handled on the OS level.

          23 days later

          Vlad Yes, I understand it is generally handled at OS level on macOS.

          Firefox has, with an extension, the avbility to specify separate proxies for each container. This is useful for VPNs.

          I believe therefore it is related to containers in this case. Something I would love to have. Thanks!

            16 days later

            Vlad One thing that I find missing in this is the ability to assign a session to a saved window.

            If that could get implemented along with the rest of what you've shown, I think I can switch to Orion full time which is really exciting since I've been stuck ping ponging between Arc and Firefox + Sidebery.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              Vlad Arc uses profiles that work like containers instead of what Orion calls profiles. There are "spaces" which would be the equivalent to Orion's saved windows and through a couple different menus the spaces can be assigned a profile.

              This allows easy switching of containers via the space switcher at the bottom of the sidebar.

              I should note I'm using the canary version so I'm unsure if the stable version is different atm.

                GreyAsteroid Hm those seem to be profiles? Container tab allows you to open a tab in your current window that belongs to a different isolated cookie storage. I do not think Arc can do that? It feels like you are asking for a different thing?

                  Vlad Ignore the name profiles. They do not function as Orion's profiles do, they function as containers do.

                  For example,

                  While being in separate "profiles", these 2 spaces share extensions, bookmarks, etc. but cookies are not shared.

                    GreyAsteroid To clarify further, I'd like to be able to assign a session to a saved window in Orion to mimic the functionality of Arc/Firefox+Sidebery.

                    • Vlad replied to this.

                      GreyAsteroid Thanks but I do not think this is what is being asked in this thread. Users are asking for Firefox style containers/container tabs, which allow you among other things to have tabs from different containers present in the same window for example. Again I do not think that is possible in Arc?

                        Vlad 😅 Yes this is possible on Arc but I'll use Firefox + Sidebery as an example instead to make it easier to understand.

                        Sidebery on Firefox lets me assign a container to a tab group. In this video I switch between two tab groups, one in the default container where I'm logged in and another in a different container where I am not logged in.

                        In this video I switch between the same tab open in two different saved windows. I'd like to be able to assign a container to a saved window so that new tabs would be opened in the container assigned to that saved window.

                        If you'd like I can make a feature request for this specifically but considering it's functionality based on a feature not present in Orion but being requested in this thread I figured I'd post about it here.

                          you're asking for something different. let me clarify:
                          arc's profiles are a wrapper around chrome's profiles. but, they do sort of "sync" extensions, but not quite.
                          they merely install extensions to all profiles when its installed in one, and uninstall extensions when uninstalled in one of them.
                          if this were the case, you could disable an extension in one profile, but it wouldn’t be disabled in another, as shown in this video (these are two spaces, each in their own profile):

                          tl;dr, arc's profiles are indeed profiles, and act as orion's and chrome's profiles, in the way that cookies, tab history (trivial to test this), extensions, etc are separate.
                          i won't talk about bookmarks/favorites, as arc does not have bookmarks/favorites a la chrome.

                          this post is about firefox-style containers, meaning cookie isolation between certain tabs, in one window/set of tabs, without any sort of switching, essentially:

                          (crude drawing, but i think it does a great job of explaining what container are)

                          chrome-style profiles, on the other hand, are about cookie, bookmarks, history, exension, etc isolation across separate windows/sets of tabs, with some switching between them.

                          (also crude drawing, but i think its accurate enough)

                            words in "quotes" will represent the terminology used for arc

                            arc's "profiles" are very much linked to "spaces"
                            there is no real concept of windows in arc (but yes u can create more than one window), as you switch between "spaces"
                            basically everything is automatically synced and saved. each "space" in arc is equivalent in sorts to a saved window in orion

                            on the creation of a "profile", you need to choose between ur existing "spaces" and select which one(s) will be linked to that new "profile". all tabs inside those profiles will get moved to that new "profile", meaning cookies ARE LOST.

                            basically, you could have something like this along the bottom of the sidebar:

                            there is no way to switch between profiles directly, but instead, you switch between spaces that are linked to profiles

                              eirk I think some confustion has happened since I used Arc as an example when making my request when I should have used Firefox from the beginning to simplify things. I am not requesting profiles which I am aware Orion already has. I am requesting that when firefox-style containers are added to Orion that they are able to be assigned to entire saved windows, meaning you could easily switch between say default and work containers while sharing history/extensions/etc without creating a new window.

                                GreyAsteroid you're asking for switching between saved windows, linked to different profiles, in one window, right?