SteveA this is what i had built out but after a few hours of using it was not ideal. for example i use discord with friends on personal channels and am a part of a few others for work. third party apps define which profile to use based on where that external URL comes from (ie discord) but i am not app-specific. I am context specific.

chrome seems to be the only one that does "last active profile" to be the profile to open external URLs which is what im looking for. hopefully safari and/or others will follow this model

    Please add this feature for the last active profile. When I'm hopping around my personal and work profiles, it is really annoying that links open in the wrong profile.

      httpjames agreed but you can see others want external tabs to open on their default browser... kinda crazy how opposite some ppls workflows are lol

        We are still waiting for community concensus and will then implement the feature as requested.

          Vlad is there some sort of poll we can start? how will we determine consensus exactly? thanks!

          • Vlad replied to this.

            Safari now does profiles and allows the last active profile to open external URLs!

              Ok so default profile or last active? Or will we need to add a setting for this.

                Vlad I think a setting would be best. I would set the default option to last active as it seems to be the industry norm.

                  I would LOVE the option to choose how external URLs are handled.
                  a) last active profile
                  b) default profile

                    a month later

                    onionbrowser I agree with this.

                    I'd like to refine it a bit though. I'd love the option to choose how external URLs are handled.

                    a) last active profile
                    b) launch in a specific profile that I can choose

                    (b) almost works today, as each profile has a launcher executable. But, it only works reliably for non-initial profiles. When handling a URL using the main "Orion" launcher, the behaviour is unpredictable, and depends which profile was first launched.

                    One way to remedy this would be to have a launcher executable for each profile, including the initial profile. So, if install Orion, I add 2 new profiles, there are now 3 profiles. I would like to have a launcher executables for each profile which reliably handles URLs in that specific profile.

                    A way to design this in Orion would be to save the main / initial launcher exec for "open URL in last active profile", and have one launcher executable per profile (including the initial profile) that opens URLs in that profile. This is close to what exists today, does not require a new global setting, and allows all of the requested behaviour.

                      We added the option, will be coming in next RC to test.

                        Orion could take advantage of the separation of main/initial launcher and launchers per profile to implement this feature request: https://orionfeedback.org/d/5563-rework-profiles-to-act-more-like-safaris-profile-management-system/12

                        Users could use the main launcher, to have all the profiles (and their respective windows) visible under ONE app icon in the Dock, same to what Safari does. Alternatively, they can use the profile-specific launcher, to manage just the single profile under that app icon. If a different profile is launched from a profile-specific launcher, the target profile would open in the respective profile-specific launcher (not in the main/initial one).

                        This change would make the Profiles user-experience more consistent. Also, I'm suggesting this, because I find it annoying that Orion pretends to open a new intance of itself for each profile. It's a very unusual behaviour for a macOS application. The Dock is flood with Orion profile icons, unlike Safari, where all windows of all profiles are accessible from a single app icon. The way I suggest, users could choose which profile handling suits their workflow.

                          2 months later
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