While ideally getting access to iCloud Keychain's passkeys would be best, what about implementing passkey support within Orion's password manager? That way we could store an additional passkey there.
Support passkeys
There is no need. Orion should be able to able to use the icloud keychain directly, if orion implements the APIs properly.
Is there an update on expected release? In my case, what entirely blocks me from using Orion at work is the lack of support for cross-device (hybrid transport) passkeys with QR codes. Some browsers like Safari or Firefox seem to use the native macOS solution, others like Chrome look like they roll their own (but it still works).
Let me know if there should be a separate request for this or if it's already planned.
When trying to sign into linkedin.com orion browser gets stuck in a loop asking for a security key. If you hit cancel the security key dialog immediatly reoccurs. I do not have a security key (I assume it's refering to something like a yubikey) and want to log in with a username and password.
No security key prompt, just let me log in via username and password.
Version (WebKit 619. Build date Aug 3 2024 Mac Studio (macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 build 23E224)
Sonoma (14)
I tried reproducing this on a fresh profile on Orion Version (WebKit 619. on Sonoma but I did not encounter any Security Key prompts.
Could you test if you are able to reproduce this on a fresh profile (File
-> Profiles
-> New Profile
) without any extensions installed?
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I've seen this before as well, it can happen if LinkedIn tries to use the "Conditional UI" passkey flow where it asks the browser for a passkey on page load.
On a totally fresh profile for me it doesn't show this, but if you click "Sign in with a passkey" (it appears below Sign in with Apple on my laptop) it does open the security key prompt and doesn't allow me to use a passkey in my Apple Keychain. It should prompt for a passkey same as Safari.
This is on my fresh profile, no way to use a passkey:
A fresh clean profile worked. However as soon as I install the 1Password Extension it reverts to this security key behavior. So it seems with Orion I can either use 1Password or LinkedIn
See https://orionfeedback.org/d/3025-support-passkeys/31 for proper passkey support
There is something specific with Orion+linkedin+1password. Other sites that I have passkeys stored in 1Password (for example bestbuy.com or ebay.com) don't get stuck in a loop. I get the same security key prompt on those sites but I could hit cancel and proceed with user/pass. Anyway, now that I'm aware of the root cause it's easy enough to bypass either with an alternative browser or seperate Orion profile.
I confirm I get the same behavior key loop using Orion RC + 1 Password + Linked authentication.
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Having this with proton pass installed as well
Solution to fix it temporaily is I diabled the extention from working with linkedin
Adding +1 for proton pass passkey support, adding comment here since the proton pass extension submission is marked done.
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+1 for passkey support. Only thing keeping me from ditching safari. To be clear a lot of people are asking for support for passkey extensions, but i'd love if you guys could just implement Apple's API so I can use my iCloud passkeys natively.
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+1 for passkey support.
It's difficult to explain this issue because I haven't been collecting a list of websites this happens to me on, but essentially instead of the typical pop-up with the TouchID verification to create/use a passkey the following modal shows up:
This effectively stops me in my tracks, as nothing I do after this point works, forcing me to cancel and use an alternative login method.
When asked to use passkey authentication, I should always be greeted with a proper macOS passkey authentication method.
Version 0.99.129-beta (WebKit 619.
Sequoia (15)
We got the passkeys entitlement from Apple and plan to have the support for this soon.