Make extensions available from Preferences
FluffyKitty776 Most people want to see history and Bookmarks in the top level menu.
I could see bookmark management under Preferences, sure.
I just don't logically see bookmarks and extensions together by themselves, they are just different things. But you could group them together if there was others stuff in the group as well. Basically anything the user is going to want to 'edit'. Things like UI settings, download locations, search engine defaults, etc you can put bookmarks and extensions in that group as well. I just don't see them living together as a separate group. they can be apart and each have their own setting but they don't make a very good group, IMO.
I'm not sure I am explaining this well.
I think Extensions having their own menu is fine. And now that I know they have their own menu I know where to look. (No idea why I didn't see it earlier) AND given the importance extensions have in a modern browser it is totally appropriate for them to have their own menu. However, I do worry about too many menus. The (very) old school designer in me says you should try to stay between 7 and 9. Some of those are system menus I know but Orion currently shows 11 menus in my menu bar. IMO that a few too many.
So what is the answer? <shrug> Someone will have to make a choice, and be able to defend that choice against people who come later and say 'Thats wrong, do it this way' Because the last thing you want to do is constantly change the experience for the user because no one know for sure where it should go.
I had the same problem honestly. Looked for extension "settings" and first went to settings for this and found stuff under websites -> extension settings. I would prefer having extensions in the settings over them staying in the menu.
Also the "Browse..." in the menu doesn't really make it clear at all what it's function is (something I thought Orion lacked even), the name is bad.
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anonym The issue is that extension settings do not logically belong in Browser preferences.
Our logical organization is Browser preferences are all preferences related to the browser itself, something Orion ships with by default.
Library window is for resources user creates or adds -> bookmarks, history, extensions, passwords...
If we accept that for a second - Is the Extensions menu simply not that visible? What other alternative can we explore?
What would you rename Browse... to?
Vlad What would you rename Browse... to?
Maybe something like "Install from Disk..."? The operative word here seems to be "install", and it's coming from "disk" if you're browsing to it via a file picker. Maybe "from Disk" isn't the right language on Mac? I thought about "Install from File..." as well - might be another option.
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I think this could be solved by following the existing convention from other browsers of surfacing an "Extensions" option under the Windows menu. This is the first place I looked, at any rate, as I also had problems figuring out where to manage extensions.
For what it's worth, I don't think extension preferences belong in the browser preferences. They are two different modes where one is way more common (changing how the browser works) than the other (managing and setting extension settings). The browser-level settings window should be optimized for what it's meant to do.
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twingeofregret This is a great idea.
We should add
to Window menu (opening their window).
and remove
Show Library
Show Saved Passwords
from View menu
I would keep tools -> extensions as this allows direct management, not showing the window.
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Now that it's in Tools and Windows it's even harder to find, IMO. If I didn't know that Orion supported extensions, I would never guess that it could and I'm not sure if I would stumble upon the option in the sea of menu options, because the place I would look for it is settings. There should be an icon or label in settings (maybe on the top right) redirecting you to the extension window, like both Firefox and Chrome (at least it used to, I'm not sure about now) do it.
E.g. Firefox, see bottom left
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anonym But what Extensions have to do with browser settings? Would you by same logic list your Downloads or Bookmarks in the settings? And the argument that everyone else has it there is not a good one, because they are all wrong Some browser made this mistake long time ago and others just blindly copied without putting thought into it.
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I "set up" my extensions there, same as I can set up Download settings in Settings, there even are settings that concern bookmarks. I don't see why having extensions in settings (where I would argue everyone coming from other browsers would assume them, wrongly or not) would be a problem. Unlike extensions I wouldn't list Downloads and Bookmarks there though. Downloads are not part of the browser (they are external and end up in some folder), extensions are (they become so by extending the browser). Bookmarks too are not part of the browser either, in the sense in which URLs aren't part of the browser.
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I "set up" my extensions there, same as I can set up Download settings in Settings,
The correct analogy would be to "set up" Extensions settings not manage extensions themselves, like you do not manage downloads or manage bookmarks in Preferences.
I would argue everyone coming from other browsers would assume them, wrongly or not) would be a problem
I agree that everyone expects it there, still doesn't make it right.
Downloads are not part of the browser (they are external and end up in some folder), extensions are (they become so by extending the browser). Bookmarks too are not part of the browser either
Extensions are not part of the browser either, the browser does not ship with them. They are an external resource added to the browser, like you add a bookmark or download a file.
The way we organized logical hierarchy is that Preferences is for settings of stuff that ships with the browser (so "browser settings").
Library window is for stuff that you add to the browser with use (currently including Bookmarks/History/Extensions/Downloads/Passwords). This is your library of resources.
Perhaps we just need better exposure for Library window?