andreagrandi How would you imagine to be edit a feiled in a popup dialogue? Any example seen in any Apple app?

    ie, keyboard shortcuts settings. apple has a lot of things that follow this kind of UX.

      a month later

      use glob pattern for adding configured websites under extension settings,
      e.g. every page with the low level domain google.com (e.g. foo.google.com, bar.google.com) can be globbed as *.google.com

      would make ux better by making users go back to configured websites screen less

      • Vlad replied to this.

        esiayo Can you clarify this feature suggestion further?

          say you want to enable compatibility mode on a website -- call this example.com.
          you'd visit this screen, right?

          now, say the site has a subdomain at foo.example.com

          normally, you'd have to add both example.com and foo.example.com into the preconfigured website list
          but using what's called a glob, you can use a wildcard operator (*) and input *google.com -- which would add google.com and all subdomains

          • Vlad replied to this.

            There's an existing post for this, can't find it atm. @laiz maybe you know?

              esiayo I would do it fromthe gear icon on the toolbar, but otherwise seems like you are suggesting settings applying to subdomains etc, which I believe there is an another post on the forum for.

                6 days later
                Merged 8 posts from Glob pattern for adding configured websites in extension settings.
                  16 days later

                  Vlad I don't know how to implement this unfortunately. It would be ok even if I could edit it later from Settings

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