Domain-based (instead of subdomain-based) per-website settings
Hey all, brand new here and really liking Orion. Quite refreshing.
Came in here looking for this issue. Like @jrose and some others I really do like the option to drive around without javascript turned on by default. I also get that as users we are the edge case and there are only so many engineering hours in the day.
I know it's hard to change functionality from the way it is today to maybe the way a lot of other products function. If you look at uBlock, et al, they give you the option to get pretty specific with wild cards, etc. — obviously that kind of fiddling is a power nerd thing and breaks how domain matching is right now. Others match subdomains by default (so is off when is in play). I also get that wildcards can be a slippery UX slope.
I have a UX suggestion that would keep functionality as it is today but also allows some fine tuning.
The use case here goes back to — every time you open something in one of these subcategories it adds a host name to the naked domain.
So Devices = and so on.
With Orion currently, I have javascript turned on for this domain, and zoom set to 115% to 125% depending on how old my eyes are feeling on any given day. Every time I jump to a subdomain I have to turn scripting back on and ⌘+ a couple of times. It's also the same jarring when you move between and, my bank ( and, and so on.
If I could, I'd suggest by default you don't wildcard the domain, checkbox off, that's how it works to today, and doesn't break the UX.
For the bit twiddlers you can give us the option to match everything, no more, no less. Anybody who's in at this level making changes isn't your average consumer Safari user anyway.
The words might not be right, nor the visual, but something as simple as this (or simpler) would keep most of the people happy most of the time.
Thanks for listening. For a pre 1.0 product this is a really smooth user experience vs. powerful feature set.
- Edited
. Every time I jump to a subdomain I have to turn scripting back on and ⌘+ a couple of times. I
There is a limted number of them, why not just add them as rules and be done with it?
there are only so many engineering hours in the day.
You can't be more right.
Vlad There is a limted number of them, why not just add them as rules and be done with it.
That's a valid thought, thank you.
While I can tweak one by one but it would be nice to do it once. The third time I have to do this to 5+ sub domains? I'm probably not going to and go back to Firefox. Especially if I forget all the tweaks for this one domain and then have to go hunting in settings trying to remember what I customized.
Could adding a save from the site properties be considered?
I guess even better is a switch up by Compatibility Mode that saves the state ("remember these settings"?) without having to click an extra button.
Again, thanks for listening.
julesallen Not sure what would that Save do?
A quicker change is to consider switching website settings to be domains+subdomain level instead of subdomain level as the OP suggests.
It would be great if we could set some settings for a whole domain including its sub domains. For example I usually disable JavaScript on and any of its subdomains because they annoyingly refresh the home page after some time, while I'm in the middle of reading the news.
They have a lot of subdomains (usually one for every main city) and if I'm reading a news which is not in the home page and it's in a new city, I have to disable JS on that website too, like in this case:
It would be great if I could edit that field and just type *
so the settings would apply to all its sub domains.
andreagrandi How would you imagine to be edit a feiled in a popup dialogue? Any example seen in any Apple app?
ie, keyboard shortcuts settings. apple has a lot of things that follow this kind of UX.
use glob pattern for adding configured websites under extension settings,
e.g. every page with the low level domain
(e.g., can be globbed as *
would make ux better by making users go back to configured websites screen less
say you want to enable compatibility mode on a website -- call this
you'd visit this screen, right?
now, say the site has a subdomain at
normally, you'd have to add both
into the preconfigured website list
but using what's called a glob, you can use a wildcard operator (*
) and input * -- which would add and all subdomains
Vlad I don't know how to implement this unfortunately. It would be ok even if I could edit it later from Settings