In Orion, holding ⌘ command when clicking on a link opens it in a new tab. Naturally, holding ⇧ shift should open the link in a new window. This is the convention for most browsers except Safari. In Safari, it is used for adding the link to reading list.

Currently, this feature only works with the links in Bookmarks Bar but it should apply to all links and the back/forward entries too:

  • Vlad replied to this.
    Vlad changed the title to Shift click should open link in a new window .

      adorabilis Most Orion users will be coming from Safari so it makes sense to keep the reading list shortcut. What about cmd shift click?

        Vlad I just checked that reading list is coming soon to Orion. In that case, cmd shift click is fine. The behaviour when shift clicking bookmarks bar entries needs to be changed to keep it consistent.

        Vlad changed the title to CMD Shift click should open link in a new window .

          The behaviour when shift clicking bookmark bar entries needs to be changed to keep it consistent.

          I agree

          Fortrikka changed the title to ⌘⇧-click should open link in a new window .
            a year later
            a year later

            cmd+opt+shift+click opens a link in a new window
            cmd+opt+click opens a link in a new window behind the current window
            While the shortcut combination is slightly different, the original suggestion has been added into Orion.
            @Vlad mark as done

            No one is typing