Custom start page background
- Edited
Duplicate, as it is part of
Will keep it separate as the other card asks for a number features at once and will likely get closed much later.
One of the features I appreciate and used in Safari is being able to customize the browser background image with a local image—not just a few stock options. Being able to right-click and select "Choose background..." and select a custom local image would be a welcome feature in Orion. Thanks for your consideration!
I think you guys should allow for custom backgrounds on the start page so it feels more like you.
+1 for this feature.
+1 as well
similiar to safari, there should be an option to change the new tab background to a custom image, not just the default wallpapers.
Until (if) this is implemented, is it possible to replace the default images in the filesystem somewhere? Took a brief look for those images, but couldn't find the location.
Thanks. I didn't realize that I could scroll horizontally to select additional images and it was the same set of images.
Recently looked through the orion used guide and found the preferences plist. If you go to the preferences plist for the indivdiual profiles located in ~/Library/Application Support/Orion/[Your profiles] there is a string under <key>backgroundImageOnStartPage</key> in the string it starts with file:///. Just insert the location of the file that you want. Then it shoudl work also.