Custom start page background
Thanks. I didn't realize that I could scroll horizontally to select additional images and it was the same set of images.
Recently looked through the orion used guide and found the preferences plist. If you go to the preferences plist for the indivdiual profiles located in ~/Library/Application Support/Orion/[Your profiles] there is a string under <key>backgroundImageOnStartPage</key> in the string it starts with file:///. Just insert the location of the file that you want. Then it shoudl work also.
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Could we get (if possible) the ability to choose a custom image to place on the entire tab page like how it is on Safari:
Might be tricky to fit in with the extensions etc but they could probably just be hidden entirely on the new tab page. They're not needed.
ahh i see okay okay
You can now change start page background to any file.
See (last item)
the brackets there indicate that you replace [your profiles]
with the id of your profile.
then, in the preferences
file, u either create or edit the backgroundImageOnStartPage
It would be nice to be able to choose a custom background of our choosing for the start page like Safari.
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Brief Summary
Allow users to set a custom Background Image as their background instead of the current predetermined ones
<In addition to the current possible background images, allow users to add their own images from local save files. This would improve user customizability of the browser.>
I think it's a good idea. Safari already does this as well:
Already included in Desktop Orion and Desktop and Mobile Safari, setting a custom background image should be a setting on mobile.