Vlad Is this temporary or will there be another solution? I can't find anything called "your profiles" or "backgroundImageOnStartPage" in the location described here.

  • eirk replied to this.

    the brackets there indicate that you replace [your profiles] with the id of your profile.
    then, in the preferences file, u either create or edit the backgroundImageOnStartPage property

      It would be nice to be able to choose a custom background of our choosing for the start page like Safari.

        9 months later
        Merged 1 post from Start page background wallpaper.

          Brief Summary
          Allow users to set a custom Background Image as their background instead of the current predetermined ones
          <In addition to the current possible background images, allow users to add their own images from local save files. This would improve user customizability of the browser.>

            I think it's a good idea. Safari already does this as well:

              Merged 2 posts from Custom.

                Already included in Desktop Orion and Desktop and Mobile Safari, setting a custom background image should be a setting on mobile.

                  notbenpeterson AFAIK Safari on iOS doesnt let you do that, it syncs the image from your desktop?

                  • saul replied to this.

                    Vlad Not sure about whether or not it is synced, but Safari does indeed offer the ability to upload a custom background image from the gallery on mobile.

                    To access this feature simply go to:

                    New tab -> Edit (at the bottom of the new tab page) -> Background Image

                    You should see a + icon, assuming you don't have a custom image already set.

                      saul Does it sync to your desktop? Because my desktop syncs to iOS. Does then your desktop and mobile have different?

                      • saul replied to this.

                        Vlad I just tested, it doesn't seem to sync, no. However I should mention that I don't use safari nor do I use background images, so this was from a very brief test.

                          a year later

                          Would love to see the ability to set background images on ios homepage!

                            4 months later
                            Merged 7 posts from Allow setting custom background picture for New Tab page on iOS.

                              I would like this feature to support using webm or animated webp format too.

                              So people like me can set a beautiful animated background image. (Opera supported this)