eskidostlar Maybe but it doesn't explain how the issue got resolved for me
Strange, I'm on the same version: Version (WebKit 621.
However it definitely no longer happens for me. I'm on Sonoma 14.6.1 and am quite sure I haven't installed any system update since posting this issue either.
- In Youtube ads will appear and sutter in a brief 1 second loop several times before the video starts
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I captured some video of it:
You can just see in the last frames that it paused, thats when tapping the ad. Sometimes it just pauses it, sometimes it then skips to the next one.
laiz If you have any thoughts on how to make it more discoverable, let us know!
Perhaps instead of being in the "Browsing" menu (which is somewhat vague of a name, a kind of catch-all), there could be a menu item underneath called "Audio & Video" and it would be there. It might be unseemly to have it only have a single item, I don't know if there are any other settings that would be appropriate to go there, but perhaps if there are settings related to PIP mode or similar, they could go there too?
I haven't thought about this too deeply, just one idea in response to your prompt
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transambient Well it appears to have been resolved for me, though I have no idea what caused it!
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Hey sure thing. And I have just double-checked that I am using Orion from the app store.
In the Tab Groups pane on mobile, at the bottom it shows you a menu item to select a synced device. From there you are presented a list of open windows in Orion on that device.
The suggstion is to show a list of all the tabs, with their window as a header, instead of having them hidden away behind the menu item as is the current implementation.
This suggestion will make it faster and easier to find a given tab, because in the current implementation, the user has no way of knowing which window the tab they are looking for is hidden in. They will need to click through each window one by onein order to find it.
Most users have more tabs than windows, so this pane is also likely to usually be extremely sparse, only having a small number of windows in it.
With the current suggestion, the user will be able to find the tab they want with much less clicking and making more effective use of screen real-estate.
Background audio doesn't work with Youtube. If you minimise Orion on iOS, or switch to a different app, the currently playing Youtube video will pause.
The feature entails having the audio continue, so someone can use Youtube to listen to backgroud music / podcasts etc.
The closest that you can do now is to jump straight to lock-screen, which lets you play audio with the phone locked, but then you still don't have a way to access any other app.
I see the user being able to use Orion to access various video/audio websites such as Youtube and play their video/audio in the background without having to resort to using the floating window function, which some users might not be aware of, and requires more inputs in order to activate and manage.
Brave Browser appears to implement this perfectly: if you minimise or switch out of the app, the audio continues to play almost seemlessly, with a near-imperceptibly brief pause in the audio before it resumes exactly where it left off. It makes it very intuitive to quickly switch out of the browser and use other apps without having to think about manually opening the current video in the PIP mode in order to preserve the audio.
Brave Browser has the most seamless Youtube ad skipping that I have come across. The ads do not appear at all, it is as if the videos don't have ads.
Orion browser, in my experience at least, appears to play just the first second of an ad before skipping it. It is common for a Youtube video to have two ads, and so this still adds several seconds of delay before a video actually starts, in contrast to Brave that is somehow able to start the video immediately, ad-free. Brave does this on both desktop and mobile.
The feature would make Youtube ad skipping be even better than it already is, and make Orion an even more appealing competitor to Brave — currently any user would consider Brave to be superior to Orion in this particular feature.
They would be able to watch Youtube videos without any hint of seeing any ad at all, nor any delay, just like is possible on Brave Browser.
- In Youtube ads will appear and sutter in a brief 1 second loop several times before the video starts
The ad will usually show, but only for about a 1-second duration, before looping again. This will happen several times (perhaps 3-4), and then the next ad will appear. It will go through the same sequence as the last one, and then the video will start.
It appears as if the code to remove the ads isn't functioning properly.
Sometimes it appears that tapping the ad will cause it to break out the loop and skip, but it's hard to tell because of how inconsistent it is.
Sometimes the video will start playing immediately without any ad.
## Webkit / Safari bug?
No, as they don't support ad skippingI expect the ad to be skipped entirely
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When viewing tab titles (whether in Grid mode or Vertical mode) the title of the tab often doesn't update to show the title of the page. Instead it only shows the name of the site (not sure where this is taken from).
The behaviour for this appears to be inconsistent. For example on Youtube, which I use often, there can be three types of tab title:
- Just the string "Youtube"
- The URL, truncated and cleaned up (ie. starting without https://)
- The title of the video
(Screenshot is only Vertical tab mode but I tested in Grid and it's the same)
Number 3 is the expected tab title. In a list of multiple tabs, all from Youtube, I will often have all three of these types of tab titles on display. Needless to say, it becomes difficult or impossible to find a particular video from the tab list unless it is displaying as option 3.
Focusing the tab, reloading the tab, closing and re-opening the tab, quitting and relaunching Orion, are all not a reliable way to force the tab to update itself to show the page title. I don't know how to cause the tab to display the title properly.
Does it happen in Safari / Webkit bug?
Not as far as I can tell
It happens on other websites, not just Youtube, I just used Youtube as my most common example.
I would expect every tab to show the page title, so they can be easily identified and distinguished from one another in a list of tabs.
Orion 1.3.15 (5)
iOS 18
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Yannick Huh, yep it definitely works now. No idea what was causing it to not work before. Definitely works now!
I've quit and re-opened Orion multiple times since originally posting this, and I'm not sure if there was a new version automatically updated during that time, so I can't say what has caused the behaviour to change unfortunately.
This doesn't work for me on iOS with Youtube — perhaps an update to youtube has broken it?
Audio immediately pauses when I switch out from Orion, and it doesn't resume when switching back.
The suggestion is to have an easy way to do a hard reload (bypassing or clearing the cache of the particular page you are on) on Orion for mobile.
As far as I can determine, there is no way to do this.
On desktop, shift + reload button usually forces this, but there isn't this option on mobile.
One of the benefits will be for Orion power users, in particular any who might want to use Orion for web development (as it already has good web development features compared to other browsers), or Orion users who want to use Orion as their main browser and not find another browser for their web development projects.
It will also be of benefit to any students of web development who want to use Orion, as early on in web development one has to learn the concept of hard reload and cache, and such people will want to be able to do this when testing their web projects on Orion mobile.
The easy way to implement this in the UI that would make it easy to discover for a user is a tap-hold action on the reload button in the URL bar.
Currently, it opens up a menu with a single item: "Reload Without Content Blockers".
The suggestion is to add a second item, "Hard Reload" (or some more appropriate user-facing term).
It is default behaviour on macOS the window's top-left green button will set the window into full-screen mode, and if you hold the option key when clicking it then it will instead maximise the window without entering full-screen mode.
On Orion however the behaviour doesn't change if you hold the option button. So the user has to resort to manual window resizing or using a third-party window management tool in order to maximise the window size.
This behaviour is different from Safari, so it is not a WebKit bug.
The option key WILL modify the icon inside the green button, changing it from a
icon that signifies full-screen, into a+
icon signalling maximisation, but the behaviour doesn't follow through.• Normal full-screen icon:
• Maximise icon: functionailty
Holding option when clicking the green window button would maximise the window size similar to most macOS software as well as all the other Mac browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc).
Clicking it a second time would toggle the window back to its previous size.
Version (WebKit 621. Build date Dec 28 2024 MacBook Air (macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 build 23G93)
Sonoma (14)