• Edited

When viewing tab titles (whether in Grid mode or Vertical mode) the title of the tab often doesn't update to show the title of the page. Instead it only shows the name of the site (not sure where this is taken from).

The behaviour for this appears to be inconsistent. For example on Youtube, which I use often, there can be three types of tab title:

  1. Just the string "Youtube"
  2. The URL, truncated and cleaned up (ie. starting without https://)
  3. The title of the video

(Screenshot is only Vertical tab mode but I tested in Grid and it's the same)

Number 3 is the expected tab title. In a list of multiple tabs, all from Youtube, I will often have all three of these types of tab titles on display. Needless to say, it becomes difficult or impossible to find a particular video from the tab list unless it is displaying as option 3.

Focusing the tab, reloading the tab, closing and re-opening the tab, quitting and relaunching Orion, are all not a reliable way to force the tab to update itself to show the page title. I don't know how to cause the tab to display the title properly.

Does it happen in Safari / Webkit bug?

Not as far as I can tell


It happens on other websites, not just Youtube, I just used Youtube as my most common example.

I would expect every tab to show the page title, so they can be easily identified and distinguished from one another in a list of tabs.

Orion 1.3.15 (5)

iOS 18

    2 months later

    I don't know whether it has the same root cause, but I have noticed the same symptoms constantly any time I am browsing Instagram in Chrome on my iPad. Given it's iPadOS, its WebKit all the way down. 🐢

      9 days later

      sarno Although I haven't used Safari in a while, I don't remember ever seeing this issue on Safari on my iPhone. Just an anecdote to suggest maybe it is Orion, but I could be wrong of course

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